Friday, January 25, 2019

Chap-ter 4 - We are Now Living in a 'Corporatocracy'.

Chapter 4- We are now Living in a Corporatocracy.

Our ‘All Things’ are now highly regulated; but with what purpose and in whose interests, with what authority? We were originally created to love each other and to use things; now we love things and use each other.

Let’s play ‘Connect the dots’! Communism and Corporatism; what do they have in common? Top CEO Boardroom in collusion with government or the politburo who own the government, they are involved in CENTRALIZED PLANNING; which without incorporating 'we the people' all lead to localized devastation, a new kind of Stalinism.

(to illustrate watch this video)
Salmon Confidential, Documentary About Salmon Farms in Canada & Diseased Salmon. Video (1hr:09m:14s)

In terms of language there is a difference, but in power; it is the same. You don’t get to choose and you lose. Along with this loss of democracy, we seem to miss the rise of Cultural Marxism, that has a renewed popularity by using gender wars and ‘sexual alienations’; instead of the failed Marxist theory of ‘economic alienation’. These two points show a devastating misuse of power and breeding grounds for endless conflict.

From ‘we the people’ and the success of our democracies around the world, came ‘national size corporations’; then these corporations expanded on that foundation. When they went international; they became $$$ Goliaths. They demanded rights and our governments gave them legal citizenship in courts, then they demanded ‘Free trade’ and our governments never thought of asking if they would be doing ‘fair trade’; which they did not do. In time, they went rogue. Now these bastardized corporations loaded with money, buy politicians the world over and our democracies have become Corporatocracies. They plan everything, they audit everything and there is no transparency because government and business have made marriage with one another. They treat us the ‘owners’ as children.
Have we ever seen this happen before? Oh yes! The Politburo of Stalin; he was a character; was he not? Well, we have new characters in play in a new way. We the ‘Peoples of the world’s nations’, having lost our politicians to prostitution are without the dollar power the International Corporations have.…and guess what: corporatocracies don’t care what you eat, as long as you eat what they will give you.
People have still one real vote: that is boycott bad corporations to start; those who are not doing the right thing; some corporations are still ‘right-minded’. Nations have fallen by Boycott; corporations will also.
Diversify local development; move away from monoculture methods of farming; all beef, no chicken, etc. That makes more dependency, that does not need to be.
A little more diversity is what the world needs and to do it locally. In time, we can reign in this monster and restore good government. There are millions and millions of people looking at this situation and with today’s internet ‘still free’ the world will deal with this. One thing is certain; life does get better. We have come a long way in the last few thousand years. A lot of good stuff, yet to come.

The Speech that made Donald Trump President  70 years after the burgeoning of the Military-Industrial Complex

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