Friday, January 25, 2019

Chapter 12 - Do Not Waste Our Money! Demand, 'We the People'.

Chapter 12- Do not waste our money……. Demand, ‘We the People’.

‘We the People’ want the restoration of all things and we want to become the true owners and warriors for peace, that the world will thrive under and God always wanted for us
…and to face the threats created by rogue corporations and remnant communist governments.
Reject ‘bad science’ paid for by ‘Big International Corporations’; demand good science.  I.C.U.S. – ‘International Conferences on the Unity of the Sciences’ is calling to unify scientist’s awareness, of one another’s work. Approval ratings should be established, as the New Abel United Nations is established on the claims made by technology corporations.
The Australian Government in collusion with business wastes our money on more than a ‘Green Dream’; that may become a potential nightmare...50-75 Wind Farms of 200-1000 turbines standing 450 feet tall or 45 storied building, costing 2 Billion-10 Billion per farm is being pushed by two of the three political parties.
Not since the Hay Days of the roaring 1920s and depressed 30’s with the world’s attention on increasing aviation using Hot Air Balloons such as the Graf Zeppelin and the Hindenburg has there ever been a ‘wind technology’ of such impracticable, underachieving application.
Now the enthusiasm of the wind turbine tower advocates floods the world with false hope and false vision capturing the superficial attention of the major media’s and ministerial government bodies of the world. The’ wind opposing prophets’ forecasting disaster to come at the very least, economically, cannot be heard; especially when there is such huge PROFIT$ to be made. Government subsidies (RECs-renewable energy certificates) are being nurtured in our parliaments by corporations who plant the seed, the same way that farmers grow potatoes; UNSEEN.
Hitler must have dreamed the world would use his Air Balloons while his scientists were designing and building Rockets and Jet planes. Although Hitler certainly could have used the money from capturing the Balloon aviation market in the 1930s and may have been financially able to beat us to the Atomic bomb before we the Allies got there first. Hitler had bad luck… lucky the USA refused to give him, its precious Helium reserves and the fool ran the Balloon with Hydrogen only to burst into flames in 1936 over Lakeside, New Jersey, USA. (There is NOTHING WRONG WITH HYDROGEN; JUST NOT IN A BALLOON, due to its high volatility! -HYDROGEN IS THE MOST PLENTIFUL SOURCE OF FUEL ON THE PLANET AND ITS RENEWABLE; it can be harnessed and used safely, at the point of its separation from oxygen; no tanks of hydrogen needed.)
Can we today, learn ANYTHING from History???...and avoid having to repeat it. China, like Germany under Hitler is not a ‘friendly’ nation; it is a ‘rogue’ nation among nations at this time.
For example:
If North Korea collapses will it be absorbed by South Korea just as East Germany was absorbed by West Germany? One would like to think so and to hope so. But we are not living in the late ’80s and early 90’s when the Cold War was won by the free world; between The Soviet Union led the communist world and The USA led the free world. Do you remember on Christmas Day 1991 the Soviet Flag was taken down over the Kremlin? A great day and a hopeful time!
But just like after WW2 the world again; after the cold war squandered its opportunities …freedom without responsibility only brought licentiousness and more greed. We are now living in time more like the roaring ‘20s and the following depression of the ’30s with the world level crash in the markets and the rise of a rogue nation looking to expand its power.
China stalled the ‘6 parties’ Korean Unification talks (North Korea/South Korea, Japan, USA, China, Russia) in 2008 because China is showing signs of having designs on North Korea after the fall of Kim Jong Un? Then there is Tibet that simmers and Taiwan looking like a dazed deer, staring into the headlights of an oncoming Chinese Army.
Many warned about the Soviet Union, the fallacies of its ideology, about Stalin’s Gulags until he was dead and it took almost 40 years for the Soviets to unravel, collapse and now there is Putin, another disaster? another Hitler?... time will tell. China is in another way in a more dangerous position; because they have absorbed the successful practices of the western marketplace, but keeping the same dictatorial control of its past communist politburo... It is sort of like having the physique of a bodybuilder and the mind of a retard; or an idiot savant at the very best. Can that be the basis of a trusting respectful relationship between nations? No, it can’t; not until human rights are kept as sacred for it citizens. That takes time!
Many say that China has militarily out built the USA already. True Parents worked for the establishment in 2006 of a ‘Federation of Pacific Rim Democratic and Religious Nations ‘ to create a ‘parity’ together, facing China’s growing strength. China cannot defeat the military alliance of western democracies, Pacific Rim democratic nations of all Asia, South America, and Oceania. Unity of Pacific Rim nations is essential for this plan to work.
The considered weakness of China is its corrupted leadership; contaminated with nepotism breeding eternal rivalries. It’s hard to bring a sword to your enemy when having to take a knife out of your back. At best this leaves us with a very unstable possibly over-reactive adversary in the future which may lead them to lash out in a military venture to gain the ground they want exactly as Hitler did in the 1930s.
China is searching the world for mineral resources; which are stated by the United Nations Geological surveys to be of the greatest in quality and quantity surrounding the Pacific Island Nations of Oceania like Solomon Islands, Fiji, etc. If China were a nation of good principle and good standing in the world community then I would say so what. But China is not yet such a nation; though in time I hope they will be. The world would welcome a free China. All nations have serious faults; this is the truth, but relatively speaking this nation China is now a wild card indeed.
Investing in China through legitimate business practice is one thing but to augment the Chinese economy using Australian Taxpayer Dollars by this Government to venture into a Government-owned business is another thing. 2 Billion-dollar investments by China will with existing plans over the next decade or two rise into the hundreds of billions.
The burden of a failed business between governments falls on the backs of its taxpayers and makes the home nation’s population angry in time; especially selling land to other foreign government-owned business’ is ridiculous. Both nations can come to feel scorned and their efforts unappreciated.
Misunderstandings can lead to War and now today we have a chance to have wars that people do not even know are being fought. China’s spies successfully stole in 1996 a very large amount of US military technology giving rise to what they now have; along with Cyberspace attacks, market attacks, diplomatic contests, etc. Communist China is a hostile presence and has been for a long time.
Simply put; until a future date, under better circumstances, let’s keep the Australian peoples ‘Government Dollars’ at home.

Breaking News: 10/April/2018-China is making bold moves!

China eyes Vanuatu military base in plan with global ramifications
China is building its first overseas military base in Djibouti .

Update  26/11/2019:

True Father's Prophetic Formula about 70 years of Judgement and another 5 years collapse AFTER THAT speaks of the Soviet Western collapse and now the Chinese Eastern collapse. These two Communist Systems were born 32 years apart 1917 + 1949. After these 70 year periods for each comes the dismantling. over a 5 year period. Gorbachev oversaw that period and introduced Glasnost and Perestroika, while Soviet Satellites went into rebellions against the tyranny. How this will work out in China is not known , but it CAN AT LEAST BE SAID THE END FOR COMMUNIST CHINA IS DEFINITELY ON THE WAY, as of 2019 (70 years-Judgement) Five years until 2024..

Quote: "So, what does the prophecy in “Tie ban tu” say about China’s current day?

The final picture in the book is said to predict the CCP’s destiny. The content of the picture is very simple:

In the sky, from the ravine between two mountains, four black birds fly in a straight line from one mount to another. But on the side of the right mountain, a white bird is seen bleeding after colliding with the cliff. Below the picture are the words: The white feathered bird is killed on the side of this mountain.

The picture illustrates the prophecy in the secret book.

Five birds appear in the picture but the focus is on the last one, that is, the white feathered bird. Is it coincidental that the word 羽 (plumage) combined with the word 白 (white) will form the word 習 (Xi), which is also the surname of Xi Jinping in traditional Chinese characters.

The white feathered bird occupying the fifth position, is equivalent to the fact that Xi Jinping is the fifth leader of the CCP after Mao Zedong, Deng Xiaoping, Jiang Zemin, Hu Jintao.

Going back to the ’80s of the last century when Deng Xiaoping was in power, a mystically wise man from Sichuan, predicted that after Deng’s rule, the fate of the CCP would be featured by four words: “Jiang, Hu, Xi, Wu.” Later when Jiang Zemin and Hu Jintao came to power, people were astonished at what the man said. And when Xi stepped into the political arena, that prophecy had gained much more credibility.

So how about the meaning of the word “Wu”. The “Wu” can be interpreted in two ways. First, it might imply the surname of the next CCP ‘s leader, the successor to Xi Jinping. On the other hand, “wu” in Chinese means none. Thus, it may suggest that there would be no leader after Xi.

Coincidentally, on March 11, 2018, the Chinese National Assembly officially withdrew the term limit for supreme leadership, allowing Xi Jinping to hold leadership for the rest of his life. The ancient prophecy turned out to be seemingly not groundless.

Back to the picture, the image of five birds might imply the Party’s destiny: The four flying birds signify the heyday of the previous CCP’s leaders when they rejoiced in bribery and abuse of power. But the fifth bird features a very mournful sight: falling down miserably, crashing into the cliff. The image suggests some kind of disastrous prospect.

It is said that the picture reveals two things: First, the CCP will face disaster during the time of the “white feathered bird.” And secondly, the incumbent leader, corresponds to the white bird— he will bear responsibility for all historical blood debts of the CCP.

Historically, the CCP has brought so many bloody massacres to its innocent people: from killing the landlords and the rich in the “Land reform,” to the Red Guard killing campaign in Cultural Revolution, to the massacre of students on Tiananmen Square, and to the suppression of beliefs and the persecution of Falun Gong practitioners, with the worst atrocity being the killing of living prisoners of conscience to harvest their organs in prisons and hospitals throughout China.

Under Mao Zedong, the people suffered during the Land Reform and the Cultural Revolution. Under Deng Xiaoping, innocent intellectuals and young people were killed in Tiananmen Square massacre. Under Jiang’s regime, Falun Gong followers have been brutally persecuted for their belief. In Hu Jintao’s time, the persecution still persisted quietly and secretly. All four predecessors have retreated backstage, but the blood debt of nearly 100 years of history still needs to find someone to settle up. Who will be that person, if it is not the last leader?

History will testify to the accuracy of the prophecy. In ancient culture, a prophecy also served as a reminder or warning for those involved. The past could not be changed, but the present can. And atonement is never too late.

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