Friday, January 25, 2019

Chapter 17 - King Sejong and the Internet.

Chapter 17- King Sejong and the Internet.

I deeply feel and agree with so many that the failure of all churches, exists in history, including our own and including myself. Our Divine Conscience is my hope, may it be yours also. May it be there above all the heartache and disappointment in meeting people at their worst and seeing one’s own failings at the same time.
The experience I have with numbers is that they point to hope for the future and are indeed a language. Numbers say things and at this time the numbers are coming in, as in an avalanche or in church terms a Jubilee. It is something to be mindful of, like a weather vane, but never absolutely dependant on.
Another part of my faith is in people. The age of the common man, King of Kings, Queen of Queens. We know of recent providence history that all three of the nations called to be Israel failed; Israeli, USA, & Korea. 
The Realm of the Fourth Adam came into existence, based on that outcome. The number 144,000 is all about this development.
Mathematically it says in its basic numbers: 3x4x12x10x10x10=144,000. In English, with understanding of Divine Principle that is, the completion (3) of the Family (4 position foundation), from all Tribes (12), times the Highest Number (10), to the Third power (Completion). Meaning FOREVER.

The Completion of the Family, from All Tribes, for Ever and Ever and Ever! 

In The 1400’s Johann Gutenberg-Invented the ‘The Printing Press’; giving all mankind the opportunity to read and study. This the world’s first printing press soon published the Bible; putting all information into the hands of all people who could read and soon began The Protestant Reformation, the Enlightenment, the development of sciences in the western world and its division from religion. In this past 700 years period many people had to fight for the right to do that; overcoming slavery, discrimination of women, work abuse of children, the poor and all kinds of barriers were challenged and many overcome.

Today, the greatest tool for message transfer and delivery has come, in the form of the internet. The internet is to the printing press what the speed of light is to the speed of sound; about 880,981x faster than the speed of sound.

The speed of light: 299,792,458m / second
The speed of sound: 340.29m /sec (at sea level).

This is one reason to be at least, wildly enthusiastic.

There was once, a great King Sejong of Korea who saw his country writhing in suffering and without relief or ability to understand their circumstances. After pondering the situation for many years, he called forth his entire cabinet of ministers and asked them this question:
“Who is the most powerful man in our entire nation?”

They all jumped to answer his question with, “that you are or it is at least some other great figure of the nation” and then after exhausting themselves the King said “you are all wrong”. With that he told them who was the most powerful man in all the Kingdom.

He said, “the most powerful man in all the Kingdom is THE COMMON MAN!” ...
and with that he ordered; that all would be taught to read, to study, to think; to think for themselves and for the sake of others what is best to do in every situation.

Soon all the formerly neglected, areas of the Kingdom were thriving with activity and happiness!

Today the Common Man Has been given by God the Internet; that all would be able to access knowledge, to think; to think for themselves and for the sake of others what is best to do in every situation; centered on True Love.

The control of knowledge has been a tragedy of civilization, as we have known it. King Sejong risked his life, taking it away from the ‘scholars’ who hoarded it as their personal resource, fiefdom, and ticket for a life of plenty.


In our modern world with great technology; it is the same kind of ‘matrix’...

-The 1st Estate- Executive Branch of Government,
-the 2nd Estate- Legislative branch of Government.,
-the 3rd Estate- Judiciary branch of Government,
-the 4th Estate- those ‘privately owned’ Main Stream Media, owning the Newspapers, Television Channels, Radio Stations, etc.; are all controlled to the extent, that we only have a superficial part to play in the things they decide to provide to us.
-The 5th Estate is the WWW and the use of it is at home by the individual to source information at their own will and desire.

-The 6th Estate is the ‘individual intuition’ that has a conscience as its own resource to understand everything; it is the greatest source of wisdom.

……The 6th Sense: Use it or lose it.

We are down to the 5th and 6th Estates to move this world in the right direction; it is indeed in the hands of ‘we the people’, that the future depends on.

I try to express this point of hope through this page on 'King Sejong and The Internet'… About the miracle of opportunity, the internet- the 5th Estate now gives us; before we lose it, as we have almost totally lost the first 4 estates!

The next estate for truth-sharing, of love eternal is what is shared in a direct dominion with God. This is the perfection of CHRIST-Likeness that God is working through the Providence of restoration for us to inherit. It might be called The Seventh Estate…


April 11, 2013

These thoughts are offered to help bring Victory for True Mother’s Vision of 2020 and in recognition of her recent, strong appeal to China of “Trees for Peace”.
Quote True Mother: “Right now our health is threatened by the yellow dust and fine dust blowing in from China. All our lives are threatened. I want to say something to China:
What do you think would happen if we just did what the bible says? We are wasting billions of dollars on the military, but if we were to use one-third of that money to fertilize 30 percent of the land that is now desert, the people of China would find a new way to live and the nation would become rich. There are so many reasons why we need to reveal the truth. The truth is that the True Parents that God and humankind hoped for have already arrived. All the nations should unite with True Parents as sibling nations and establish the culture of the heart of loving and taking care of each other. When nations can do this, world peace will be possible. In this way, we can live in the eternal Heaven.” -

Dr. Hak Ja Han Moon, December 15th, 2013, World Leaders Convention, Korea

All media outlets TV, radio, movies, newspapers have failed the providence in the time of True Father on this earth; yet it is the Internet, that so far has not been able to be destroyed or absolutely controlled.

Yes, much internet pollution is around but if you want cutting-edge information and for the truth to travel far and wide this internet medium is God's gift to mankind.
To start with and by the example of all that can be found on the internet; I forward to you the website address for a 48-minute documentary called 'Green Gold'. It is exactly that kind of support to True Mother’s expressed thoughts on the environment.

It is about an existing method that offsets Carbon by working with nature and not against nature.

Vast areas of land have already been restored to bring livelihood to 20,000,000 Chinese now living in formerly uninhabitable lands. › Environment
Environmental filmmaker John D. Liu documents large-scale ecosystem restoration projects ... Green Gold. 2012 ... 9.04 Green Death of The Forests is an unusual film.
It’s about the planet-wide redevelopment of devastated ecosystems. The world’s greatest deserts were once abundant with life; what happened?
“These deserts can be returned to the same abundance in a very short time.” Environmental filmmaker John D. Liu documents large-scale ecosystem restoration projects.
“China, Africa, South America, and the Middle East, highlighting the enormous benefits to people and planet of undertaking these efforts globally. The film takes you to China, Jordan, Ethiopia, Rwanda, and Bolivia, and features the PRI’s own Geoff Lawton, who adds impetus and technical know-how to John’s impressive toolbox.”
“It’s the story of healing landscapes at scale, and, with it, restoring life, livelihoods, security and a future. This documentary is not just a tale of hope, it’s evidence of hope – it’s proof that we do not need to give in to apathy and despair. Instead, we see we have the simple solutions right in front of us.”

IMHO-We are living at a time when all of mankind will be pondering the best way to solve a myriad of environmental problems. The solution will most likely come from the ground up (restoring deserts) so to speak and not from the top down. (with huge wind farms)


#1- individual responsibility to care for and love the environment that one uses will need to be emphasized properly and clearly enough to inspire people with hope of a better world; not fear of the loss of the world we already have that we see promoted by the left of center media, driving us to apply solutions that are ‘draconian’.

#2- Working in all areas with nature and not work against nature is of the utmost importance. For example, 'fission' nuclear power is unstable, unnatural and destructive; whereas 'fusion' nuclear power is stable, the same power generation method of our Sun and all stars and is basically harmonic and soon technologically attainable.

#3-Politically speaking, in the course of the past 3or 4 generations we have seen power shifts go from absolute monarchy to parliamentary monarchy, in some cases dictatorships then mostly to democracy. My meaning is to highlight that centralized power/planning is coming to an end and the empowerment of humanity at large is on the rise.
#4- It is the same with energy production. The absolute control that the energy power brokers like J.P. Morgan had at the beginning of the past century is now being moved to the masses of humanity that will be able to go off the grid (BLOOM ENERGY for only 1 example) and produce energy for themselves with new sustainable technologies.

#5- We are not living in a truly democratic state; the best way to describe it at this time is a Corporatocracy.  Where ‘soulless business’ act like drunken sailors loaded with cash, going about making prostitutes of the world’s political representatives with their cash and charms. Real democracy swayed by a sick media is failing, polarized and controlled by fighting factions. Suicide and depression are the most increasing problems in this culture.

#6- Still, Corporatocracy we can believe will be a short-lived experience of history because of its inherent weakness; that has done a lot of damage to human culture, because it is singularly driven by profit motive and not service to others, under fair economic terms. Vast advertising hides many truths and if it were not for the advent of internet technology there would be much less hope for the immediate Providence of True Parents and the coming Kingdom of God on this Earth.
#7- The internet is not controllable and although it can be misused; it cannot be stopped. We are actually watching the unfolding and empowerment of all peoples, places, and things through the discussions now going on in cyberspace. We need to
step up and be there for this debate or at least be alongside others who are on the right side of history. I believe it needs for our FFWPU community to be involved in more discussion among ourselves who are concerned about various issues; as Blessed Families, we can stay at home, use SKYPE and create for the Church a library of literature to inspire the world and help people understand Heavenly Vision.

#8- At this time; no one knows that True Father has said Hydrogen from the oceans will be the world’s energy source and that it will be cheap, helping the world to solve many of its current problems. We can actually research and create literature proving that to be possible and thereby fight hopelessness and confusion created by satanic forces. True Father’s words are liberating but people need to understand how they can be applied to solve problems for this world that they are interested in.

#9- We are living in the time of the restoration of the 3rd blessing; people need to have their bread and butter issues which dominate their concerns to be addressed. In time they can thank us for our insights and finally want to learn more about the 1st and 2nd blessing.

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