Friday, January 25, 2019

Chapter 8 - These Children Will be Honoured Forever!

Chapter 8-These children will be honored forever!

Now, there is more hope than ever before, because the seed of wisdom has been planted in youth. Teachings of the ‘Fall of Man’ in The Divine Principle have brought forth courageous activity and proclamation on issues of True love that were never able to be clarified until this time.
Salvation, has now moved from an understanding of it being on an individual level alone, into a higher understanding that as a family, it is ultimately called forth and understood. It is an Eternal relationship as Husband and Wife, a pure monogamous and sexual experience, as full and ongoing as other parts of life such as eating, love of music and all else that is good and of God’s original design. That is God’s gift and Blessing; not some fantasy of ‘celibate’ bliss upon an individually floating cloud somewhere.
It is also the Salvation, not only of the ‘Families’ in plural but the Family of God; past, present, and future, with God as Heavenly Parent of all.
The Divine Principle -The Fall… 6.3 To Make Human Beings the Lords of Creation
“God created human beings and blessed them with dominion over everything in the creation. Human beings cannot rule other creatures if they stand on an equal footing with them. They must earn certain qualifications to gain their God-given mandate to govern.
God is qualified to govern human beings because He is their Creator. Likewise, for human beings to gain the qualifications to rule all things, they must also possess the character and powers of the Creator. In order to give them creatorship and make them worthy to govern all things, God has human beings perfect themselves by accomplishing their own portion of responsibility until the end of their growing period. Only by perfecting themselves in accordance with the Principle can they earn the qualifications to rule the universe. If God were to rule directly and control the lives of human beings who are still in the state of immaturity, this would in effect grant the authority of a ruler to those who are unqualified to rule. That is, it would have the effect of granting this authority to those who have not yet fulfilled their responsibility or earned God's creatorship. It would contradict God's Principle because He would be treating an immature person as if he were mature. God, the Author of the Principle, would be disregarding His Own Principle of Creation, which He established in order to enable human beings to inherit the nature of the Creator and govern the creation. Consequently, it was in order to bless human beings as the lords of creation that God had to restrain Himself from intervening in the acts of immature human beings, as He watched with trepidation their tragic fall.”
Humans have the responsibility to learn how to control themselves; to inherit the character and powers of the creator. Self-Discipline over a period of time brings forth a ‘fortress of goodness’ that is the foundation of more love for oneself, more love in a family, more love for the world and a great joy to God.
(9m:34s) Generations to come will look back and note this time when these rallies foretold the way to a better world. The gravesites of these children will be honored forever!
by Mi Young Eaton, FFWPU USA. The first ever High Noon Summit, a meeting of Unificationists stepping up to engage in authentic conversation about our community’s ...

Vision 2020 - Abraham, Isaac/Ishmael, and Jacob gave us the tradition of Holy Marriage under God. Jews our elder brothers suffered many things to build the tradition of one man/ one-woman marriage ‘till death do them part’ and indeed the world moved forward rapidly from that time on. Yet those values are no longer held in esteem and look at the unfolding rage. Some say the rage is because of broken families which we need to get out from under. The truth is Heavenly Parents advanced the world to a better place when Jewish forefathers followed these new traditions and now will come to the forefront again sooner than you think. Marriage has made womanhood safer, more equal, childhood safer, more special. Free uninhibited sex leaves vacuums in its wake that crushes the foundation of God’s Hope for mankind.
God does his best work in hopeless situations and many of those alive today will live to see the day when the children of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob, reunite as one in Holy Marriage under God the Heavenly Parents. Jew, Christian, and Muslim will one day intermarry and lead the world to a better place. Even Leonard Nimoy (Star Trek) of Jewish descent created the Vulcan Blessing and greeting based on the ancient Jewish marriage ceremonial tradition; these things should not be lost in our understanding of how God foretells the way forward. Holy Marriage Ceremony brought to this world by Reverend Sun Myung Moon in our lifetimes will bear fruit sooner than you can imagine; the difference being only that no longer will it be ‘until death do them part’ instead it will be forever. Who wants love to last only for a while?

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