Friday, January 25, 2019

Chapter 3- The Revolution in Food.

Food is about the third blessing; to “have dominion over the fish of the sea, and over the fowl of the air, and over every living thing that moved upon the earth.”
The first chapter of True Father’s Auto-Biography ‘As a Peace-Loving Global Citizen’ opens with “Food Is Love”. In a subchapter ‘Loving Nature to Learn from It’ He writes “My personality was such that I had to know about everything that I could see. I couldn’t just pass over something superficially.” …by studying nature, we observe how to work with it and not against it.
The following YouTube sites are a look at how to have not only the quantity of food for all to eat but quality. It is a new food revolution; a major shift in the making. Food should be delicious; but more important, ‘food is medicine’ and it is dangerous when misused. The proper use of food is a knowledge we must learn to see through as preventative to illnesses. Our understanding of food needs to become universal, from gardens at home to the kitchen and its preparation; especially lost arts, like fermentation and simply baking cookies at home; not always buying processed.
This is a subject discussed very well by Chef Dan Barber in his series on YouTube; he has one video in particular called ‘How I Fell in Love with a Fish’ that must not be missed. With great humor, he brings people to understand the natural way of fish farming, in the world’s largest fish farm called Veta La Parma’. All of this series of video’s I am enthusiastically sharing with you to tell the story.
Fish farming is also, one of the great growing controversies at this time.

C)- Dae Jang Guem is a 64 hour long TV Korean Drama with a subtitle which demonstrates throughout the intense philosophy the nation has towards food.
Soundtrack for Dae Jang Guem; so beautiful.

D)- (3hr:20m:11s) Documentary on the benefit of Bio-Dynamic farming observed in nature-invented by Rudolf Steiner. This German system has much in common with the Korean system regarding natural food and its overall value.
*Last but not least, is something of a great concern:
 Monsanto and Genetic Engineering.

Alarm Bells should be sounded on all GMO's

“What’s wrong with Genetic Engineering? Genetic engineering refers to a set of technologies used to change the genetic makeup of cells and move genes across species boundaries to produce novel organisms. Once released, these genetically modified organisms (GMOs) can easily spread and interbreed with other organisms, and they are virtually impossible to recall back to the laboratory.
Monsanto provides roughly 90% of GMO seeds in the world. These seeds have been genetically modified to produce their own pesticide or to survive repeated spraying of Monsanto’s toxic herbicide Roundup. Monsanto’s GMOs are not designed to increase yields to feed the world, but rather to increase Monsanto’s profits. Monsanto sells high-priced, patented seeds to farmers who are required to sign contracts stating that they will buy new seeds every year. And as their crops become increasingly herbicide-resistant, Monsanto sells more and more chemicals to farmers who are caught in this vicious cycle.
Due to the enormous political clout of Monsanto, the American public is being denied the right to know whether their foods are genetically engineered or not. Following is a list of 10 facts about Monsanto and GMOs, and how they can adversely affect your health, local farmers, and the planet.
#1 No GMO Labeling Laws in the US More than 70% of processed foods in the US contain GMO ingredients. Yet because Monsanto has fought hard to prevent labeling laws in the US, this information is kept from consumers. The US is the only developed country in the world that does not have mandatory GMO labeling laws – even though more than 62 other countries, including Japan, China, Korea, Australia, New Zealand, and the entire European Union, have either banned GMOs or have laws requiring mandatory labeling.
#2 Lack of Adequate Safety Testing In May 1992, Vice President Dan Quayle announced the FDA’s consumer right-to-know policy which stated that GMO foods need not be labeled nor safety-tested. Meanwhile, prominent scientists such as Arpad Pusztai and GillesEric Seralini have publicized alarming research revealing severe damage to animals fed GMO foods.
#3 Monsanto Puts Small Farmers out of Business Percy Schmeiser is a Canadian farmer whose canola fields were contaminated with Monsanto’s Roundup Ready Canola by pollen from a nearby GMO farm. Monsanto successfully argued in a lawsuit that Schmeiser violated the company’s patent rights, and tried to force Schmeiser to pay hundreds of thousands of dollars in damages. This type of biotech bullying is happening all over North America.
#4 Monsanto Products Pollute the Developing World According to plant pathologist Don Huber, glyphosate, the active ingredient in Monsanto’s Roundup, changes soil ecology, making plants susceptible to diseases that could eventually cause diseases in humans. Glyphosate kills many bacteria, giving other bacteria a competitive advantage. It also makes plants highly susceptible to soil borne diseases. With the increasing use of glyphosate, Huber said a number of plant pathogens are “emerging” or “re-emerging, ” including a number of Fusarium and root rot diseases. At the same time that diseases are increasing, glyphosate has a negative effect on a number of beneficial soil organisms, including those that fix nitrogen, mycorrhizae, plant growth promoting organisms and earthworms. Huber’s allegations of the impact of glyphosate in soil sterility echo those of Elaine Ingham, a soil ecologist with the Rodale Institute.
#5 Monsanto in Bed with Government Regulators A revolving door exists between Monsanto and US regulatory and judicial bodies making key decisions. Justice Clarence Thomas, a former Monsanto lawyer, was the one who wrote the majority opinion on a key Monsanto case. Michael Taylor once worked for the FDA, later represented Monsanto as a lawyer, then returned as the FDA’s Deputy Commissioner for Policy when rBGH, a growth hormone used to make dairy cows produce more milk, was granted approval.
#6 Monsanto Guilty of False Advertising France’s highest court ruled in 2009 that Monsanto had lied about the safety of its weed killer Roundup. The court confirmed an earlier judgment that Monsanto had falsely advertised its herbicide as “biodegradable”.
#7 Consumers Reject Bovine Growth Hormone In the wake of mass consumer pressure, major retailers such as Safeway, Publix, Wal-Mart, and Kroger banned store brand milk products containing Monsanto’s controversial genetically engineered hormone rBGH. Starbucks, under pressure from the OCA and our allies, has likewise banned rBGH milk.
#8 GMO Crops Do Not Increase Yields A major UN/World Bank-sponsored report compiled by 400 scientists and endorsed by 58 countries concluded that GM crops have little to offer to the challenges of poverty, hunger, and climate change. Better alternatives are available. The report championed organic farming as a sustainable way forward for developing countries.
#9 Monsanto Controls US Soy Market In 1996 when Monsanto began selling Roundup Ready soybeans, only 2% of soybeans in the US contained their patented gene. By 2008, over 90% of soybeans in the US contained Monsanto’s gene.
#10 GMO Foods May Lead to Food Allergies In March 1999, UK researchers at the York Laboratory were alarmed to discover that reactions to soy had skyrocketed by 50% over the previous year. Genetically modified soy had recently entered the UK from US imports and the soy used in the study was largely GM. “

For the sake of future generations especially.
Our Health is destroyed by foods and healed by foods as well.
Good eating habits are the best ‘preventative medicines’ available.
Time with nature, exercise to the rescue.

New understanding of our own interconnected biology; that without fully understanding; will eventually cause us to face the loss of our own well-being, physically and mentally.
In understanding this new science of food, we can now see light at the end of the tunnel and affordable solutions to major chronic health problems.

From a scientific point of view the ‘newly discovered world’ of ‘Life on us” is the metaphorical equivalent of when explorers were ‘founding new worlds’. New worlds to them; new worlds to our science but worlds previously understood by ancient medicine and long forgotten people and times.

*Technology only recently has let us view this world with cameras; have a look.
‘Life on us’
SBS/TV  Part 1 , part 2

*How to fix leaky gut and reverse chronic illness.
Dr. Chris Kressler

*EARTHING (touching the natural soil-ground): Maintaining Electromagnetic Harmony in an unevenly polarized world.
Earthing / Donna Fisher / Robert Lawler

*‘Homegrown Revolution’
Change your world; change the whole world.
Provides food security, savings, and countless inspirations.

A point of summary:

There is a vacuum in the development of our Unification Movement, that is not being addressed publicly or even casually among members whatsoever; even though there are SIGNS ALL ABOUNDING that point to it.
It has to do with what we can offer to the world.
It has to do with how we can survive in the world.
It has to do with how we can serve the world.
It has to do with how we can help to heal the world.
It has to do with how we can begin to make sense of our ideas to the world.
It has to do with how we can express love to the world.
It has to do with how we can socialize with the world.
It has to do with how we can follow in the footsteps of Christ.
It has to do with honoring the majesty of God’s creation.
It has to do with working with nature and not against it.
It has to do with how we can learn from our mistakes.
It has to do with common sense.
It has everything to do with learning.
It has to do with cultivating the garden of our own mind; our ‘fortress of goodness’.
It has to do with YOU and Your peers.
It has to do with ME.

There are a million specific fields of work that anyone can find themselves in from the study of physics and engineering to naming newfound species of life; but one stands out, as an industry of common interest and potential for COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT.
There is one common element that has been in the providence of God since Genesis; it has to do with FOOD.
Jesus spent time fishing and feeding the gatherings that followed.
True Parents opened their homes to thousands, to eat the fish they caught.
Cheong Pyeong Heaven and Earth Training Center from the beginning grew its own food, made with love.
Did it stop there?
No, True Parents went fishing, made soft- drinks, hot ginseng drinks, served cakes on almost all occasions, entertained with song and dance and so much more, they did together with us and using healthy Korean foods as a means to develop our culture. Even embracing McDonald's for the value that fast food had in being able to let us go about more quickly to fundraise and witness.
The vacuum that presently exists is because we did not make use of this amazing example and influence to make a better world.
“Where There is No Vision the People Will Perish.” – Bible

A quote from Reverend Moon’s Autobiography-
“I was born at 2221 Sang-sa Ri (village), Deok-eon District, Jeong-ju Township, Pyong-an Province, as the second son of Kyung Yu Moon of the Nam Pyung Moon clan and Kyung Gye Kim of the Yeon An Kim clan. I was born on the sixth day of the first lunar month in 1920, the year after the 1919 independence movement. I was told that our family settled in the village of Sang-sa Ri during the life of my great-grandfather. My paternal great-grandfather worked the farm himself, produced thousands of bushels of rice, and built the family fortune with his own hands. He never smoked or drank liquor, preferring instead to use that money to buy food to give to those in need. When he died, his last words were, “If you feed people from all the regions of Korea, then you will receive blessings from all those regions.” So, the guest room in our home was always full of people. Even people from other villages knew that if they came to our home, they could always count on being fed a good meal. My mother carried out her role of preparing food for all those people without ever complaining. My great-grandfather was so active, he never wanted to rest. If he had some spare time, he would use it to make pairs of straw footwear that he would then sell in the marketplace. When he grew old, in his merciful ways, he would buy several geese, let them go in the wild, and pray that all would be well with his descendants. He hired a teacher of Chinese characters to sit in the guest room of his home and provide free literacy lessons to the young people of the village. The villagers gave him the honorific title “Sun Ok” (Jewel of Goodness) and referred to our home as “a home that will be blessed.” By the time I was born and was growing up, much of the wealth that my great-grandfather had accumulated was gone, and our family had just enough to get by. The family tradition of feeding others was still alive, however, and we would feed others even if it meant there wouldn’t be enough to feed our family members.
The first thing I learned after I learned to walk was how to serve food to others.”

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