Friday, January 25, 2019

Chapter 11 - Solving the North / South Korean Divide: Internally!

Chapter 11- Solving the North / South Korean Divide; internally!
A proxy war, inside a proxy war, inside a proxy war; between good and evil...

1948-2018 is the 70 years period, from which the Korean people will be released from, over the next five years. This time, it may likely become a model of change for the world to witness as the second proxy war on the national level, coming after the first proxy war between good and evil… The Cold War.
What Gorbachev began in the Soviet Union 70 years after the 1917 revolution and in the following five years of 1986-1991 did not proceed as well as what may now happen.
Spirituality and religious freedom must become the real difference. The fertile soil of Korea's 5000-year search for Spiritual Mastery in the understanding of the Creator may come to play the significant point of difference. Let us hope and pray that it does; there is reason to believe it might. Just remember the first KIM-MOON meeting was in 1991 and this is a 'flow-on' from that starting point. 2019-2023 is five years after the 70-year period from 1948-2018. In these coming five years we need the end of communism, the end of secular materialism, the rise of good governance, the rise of unity between religion and the sciences, between politics and religion; along with other important matters that bring about building, of the family of God on this earth.
Koreans have been 'mining' this landscape of family, the order of love and relationship, the reality of God for the past 5000 years; they will have a lot to say on the matter. We are going to witness the end of secular materialism and the rise of understanding the Majesty of Heavenly Parent, even through science. It will not come from the power of government, but 'we the people' who will hold government in our own minds, knowing right from wrong, better than any other outside agency. The true character of a nation will be on the inside and not the outside, alone. Its measurement will be in degrees of happiness; not money.
Unity of North and South Korea is a process, destined to succeed, based on the massive sacrifice of True Parents, True Family, Blessed Central Family's and the past suffering of 70 years; worldwide. They comprise the third and final proxy war between right and wrong, on the family level. Can it all go wrong? Possibly, but less likely, I think. There are a lot of people praying, a lot of tears since WW2. The good spiritual world is coming to help, starting in 2020.
The divide between South and North Korea is also paralleled in the divide between FFWPU and SC (splinter organization called, sanctuary church, started by one of Rev. Moon’s son’s). Someday we will see H2 and H1(two son’s) return to True Parents; we will understand the value of this challenge. Instead of looking hopeless; it will be seen as priceless, because a real war may have been averted by this ‘proxy war.’

True Children are trusted by God and True Parents to return to their original positions, no matter how hard it looks to others... I had a dream, where I saw this happen and I saw this happen in my own life. Sometimes we are thrown into the 'soup' and if the challenges experienced within are successfully endured; the grace of God's invitation is reached out to welcome the person back home. We are all wearing the clothes of 'six thousand' years. We cannot understand all of it.

"Rejoice in all your burdens; they are your reward in Heaven."...Universal understanding is for the history books. We now are in the battle. One thing is for sure. True Parents asked us not to publicly speak about True Children. True Parents said their children have been sacrificed PERIOD. We do not know how things are being sacrificed either. True Parents are True Children's parents and only after we Blessed Families have made Cheon-Il -Guk come into existence can the True Parents turn to direct the True Children.

We can speak about Blessed Families and help each other form the line of protection in the providence. We can help stop members from being involved with sc and we can pray for the ‘sanctuary church’ members who have left their given position of Absolute, faith, love and obedience to True Parents. At this moment, the AR 15 rifles/blessing makes as much sense to the sc church, as Nuclear Weapons make to Kim, Un Jong. The message of self-protection is absolutely foremost to a fault and before the message of living for the sake of others, as it should be.

The only way out of this is to overcome the darkness, we must shine the light. FFWPU has to be busy with making light visible, as does South Korea, which has to be busy making the light visible.

Fix the problems of FFWPU and fix the problems of South Korea and the lights will then go on in the sc and in North Korea. What lights am I talking about??? Family lights, moral lights, cultural lights that declare the truth, the beauty, the goodness. End divorce, end crushing economic burdens on parents to survive. Teach children to be kind, before being competitive. Do things that sc and North Korea would want to be part of and welcome them when they show that they do. The challenge has been laid out, by ‘both challengers’; the sc and NK.

True Father would say: let's meet their challenge and show them what the Kingdom of Heaven looks like. FORGIVE, LOVE, UNITE. True Mother said, “Peace Starts with Me!”
The Reunification of Korea and World Peace
by Reverend Sun Myung Moon

2.3 The principles of unification
“Our wish in relation to the Republic of Korea is the unification of North and South. Further, on a bigger scale, that of the world, our wish is that the democratic world and the communist world will become one instead of fighting, and thus realize a peaceful world. (041-009, 1971.02.12)
A plan for unification is not something that is to be realized in North and South Korea. How can we prevent the fight that occurs between mind and body in human beings themselves and develops the realm in which the mind has the leadership and maintains the standard of peace? When the mind and body are connected, it becomes the world. For that reason, the stronghold of heaven is the mind. (047-272, 1971.08.29)
America, which has the most extensive military power in the world today, has been fighting for years in Vietnam but has not built peace yet. When we see this, we can clearly witness that one cannot bring peace through military power. Also, one cannot seek one world with the ideology of the democratic world or the ideology of the communist world. The age of ideology is passing. (039-347, 1971.01.16)
Where is the way of unification? It is not outside, but inside. We have to eliminate the fight between our mind and body and have the mind take precedence over the body. The individual, family, society, country and the world must go the way the mind dictates. Then, unification will be realized automatically. However, can we bring about such results today? The Soviet Union is talking about peaceful coexistence, but it is a pretense. It is a camouflaged strategy. (039-266, 1971.01.15)
North and South Korea cannot become one with guns and swords. They have to follow a foundation based on a heart that honors God. Unification is impossible to achieve when they are off the proper course of peace. Heavenly fortune will not be in harmony with them. (144-165, 1986.04.12)
Where should we pull the Republic of Korea too? We have to lead her to the garden of love, not to the garden of power and not the garden of falsehood. North and South Korea will be dealt with properly when we lead them to the garden of true love. Unless we treat them as brothers centered on common parents, the world of peace will not come about. (168-223, 1987.09.20)
What must we do for today's world to become a world of peace? Fighting cannot reconcile these divided countries. The history that began with fighting cannot be resolved through fighting. Since it began with a struggle, a way to resolve it peacefully must appear. If not, peace cannot come.
As we infer from the Vietnam War or the situation of Korea today, the time for resolving problems peacefully is rapidly approaching, but we seem to have found no way thus far. This is painful.
The world is at stake right here. It is groaning in a situation which doesn't seem to improve through fighting or other means. One cannot introduce a world of peace through force of arms. That is something God hates. (062-093, 1972.09.17)
What we desire is to live in an ideal society, but we are living in a world of confusion and contradiction. Then, what are we supposed to do? That is the question. With what can we arrange this chaotic and contradictory world? With power? Would it be done with power? In a communist way? It may work one time, but not always. When there is an up, there is a down. It's inevitable. We see the Soviet Union in trouble with three years of bad harvests. Is it because people want it to be so?
We have to know that a world of peace cannot come about even with a power that can leap over a country. Can it be done with knowledge? A world of peace cannot come with knowledge, either. Then, with money? Not with money, either. (115-314, 1981.11.29)
Who causes war? Does God cause it or do people? People do, but God is there and watches it all. It is because things have to turn around. However, to create a world of peace through conflict is not God's Will. It is not Rev. Moon's will, either. God is thinking about how to do the work through love, not using force. It means how to digest with love. (103-182, 1979.02.25)
Actually, it is rather simple to make peace come to this world today. North Korea will not fight and peace will come when South Korea is completely living for the sake of North Korea. The power that can move bandits or unfilial children is neither fists nor force. It is the power of true love that will move others. Faith alone won't straighten out fallen people who are living contrary to the great principle of heaven and earth. The attitude of the established churches that one will go to heaven if only he believes in Jesus is not enough. (177-221, 1988.05.20)
The purpose of the unification of the North and the South, which the providence demands, is not unification itself. It is to generate eternal freedom, eternal peace, eternal happiness and the eternal ideal on the foundation of unification. Therefore, unification cannot be accomplished by force or by causing harm or discomfort to others. Unification should be achieved through true love, which is to give and give again to others. (234-258, 1992.08.26)
The conflict on the Korean peninsula reflects clearly not only the conflict between the advanced countries and underdeveloped countries but also the conflict of eastern and western cultures. Therefore, the unification of the Korean peninsula not only has an inseparable relationship with world peace but also will become a compass indicating an important direction for solving the world's problems in the future.
To fulfill the mission of the True Parents, I have undergone every kind of suffering and hardship in order to realize world peace through the philosophy of Godism. Godism helps us to rediscover God, who has been pushed out by humanism and forgotten by materialism and teaches us a point of convergence where God and human beings will meet together. (234-241, 1992.08.22)
The basic principle that can unify North and South Korea into one is the establishment of true families and true individuals whose minds and bodies are united through God's true love. Furthermore, this principle can also be expanded to that of world peace to realize true freedom, peace, and happiness. Therefore, the unification of the Korean peninsula is preparation for the important opportunity to create a unified world in the future, and further, to unify God and human beings.
The Korean peninsula where we are discussing the unification of Korea and world peace today is in a historic ideological confrontation in which two trends of thought, that is God-centered Hebraism and humanistic Hellenism, which have been in conflict throughout human history, are confronting each other under the names of free democracy and communism. Accordingly, overcoming this ideological division on the Korean peninsula will serve as an ideological model that can be followed to unify the world. (234-239, 1992.08.22)
We have to unify North and South Korea with true love. The unification of Korea cannot be done with the force of arms. We failed once and things won't be solved through force again. These days there is a trend of insisting upon peace. If someone tried to use force in this environment, he would be denounced as a rebel. (233-283, 1992.08.02)
I believe that the work of solving the problems of communism and realizing world peace cannot be attained simply by ideological confrontation or education alone. It is because economic support is also very important in reviving the world.
This time, I entered Pyongyang as an apostle of peace. I have a firm belief that, no matter what happens, we should not bring a fratricidal war on ourselves in this Korean peninsula.

I hope that America is extremely discreet in things that threaten the Korean people's right to live. I believe the nuclear matter with North Korea can be resolved peacefully. We must surely resolve the matter peacefully through genuine dialogue and mutual respect. I went to Pyongyang with the purpose of opening a way to dialogue and returned, having fulfilled the mission of trying to solve the matter peacefully through dialogue. (224-253, 1991.12.07)”

A Walk with Teddy Roosevelt! This bit of information should be made known to all politicians about American Korean History as well as all else.
I loved the story of Teddy Roosevelt so much I used to go to visit his graveside often to thank him for his presidency. I loved his story so much that I asked God to let me know not only his great deeds but that which is hidden; his misdeeds. I wanted to pray for him so that he also, could be liberated from the mistakes he may have made in his life. 

I found bits and pieces I overlooked before. His failure to pardon 33 Black soldiers led to their unjust execution; he could have stopped that...(Information at Sagamore Hill Video Library of Tededy Roosevelt Long Island Home.) He settled the Russo-Japanese War in 2005 so that the balance of power would not shift in the Pacific towards Japan this would give him time to absorb the inheritance of the former Spanish Empire in the 1898 War. Japan was making claims all over the Pacific modelling itself and it's Navy after Great Britain and its claims world-wide at that time. To end the Russo- Japanese War he sent Taft with a message to end the war with Russia or you will be at war with the United States. That was his ‘stick’ and the ‘carrot’ was that if Japan agreed to this that Roosevelt would turn a ‘blind eye’ to Japan’s claim on ‘Corea’. 

Japan accepted the terms and annexed ‘Corea’ changing the letter ’c’ to a ‘k’ so that Korea would follow Japan alphabetically. Roosevelt got the Nobel Peace Prize in 1905. The Philippines were further incorporated into the USA ‘block’ and Korea got’ hell on earth’ ; regardless of the fact that at that time they were the fastest growing Christian Nation on earth. After 40 years another Roosevelt at Yalta in 1945 divided the country between the Americans and the Soviets. Korea which harbors the sincerest efforts to build families of truth, beauty and goodness has suffered up until this very day.

My point in sharing this is that politicians do not have the ‘right substance’ to lead the world. From the lines that Britain drew in the Middle East 100 years ago, following assumptions made by ‘The Gay Lawrence of Arabia’; a drunken fool if ever there was one, to the line that divided Korea; politicians are always cutting themselves off from wise counsel. They do their work for vain reasons and purposes. They work for the benefit of their country alone at best. 

Teddy Roosevelt was no exception; his call for ‘perfection' was very influenced by eugenics as understood at that time and it amounted to extreme prejudice, racism and callous judgements on other people and civilizations.A few decades later Hitler proved that in spades and eugenics influence decreased.

The politicians who lead on bended knee such as Washington, Jefferson, Lincoln are few and far between, never to be found either; if not for the fervent prayers of good people beneath them.

So this is the real rfeason to understand how AMERICA owes Korea and this needs repayment by the most careful considerations for its full safety , security and peace

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