Friday, January 25, 2019

Chapter 16 - Localized Tribal Messiah / FFWPU Complexes.

Jesus is known as Messiah, King of Kings, Lord of Lords. This explains Tribal Messiahship… True Parents call forth all mankind to fulfill their portion of responsibility to build the Kingdom of God on Earth and in Heaven, as Messiah’s, like Lords, as Kings themselves. That is tough news for anyone wanting ‘freebies’, no responsibility or avenues to become anything like God through their own free will to do so. ZAP! You’re perfect is what they taught you and just look at the world, it has delivered to us.

It will now be the good people of the world, family by family who will prevail over the people who do not have God in their desire. Sadly, way too many of the fanatics of Christianity who did not see the Second Coming and the Zionists who did not recognize the first coming of Christ and the terrorists of Islam, all religious fanatics are currently in charge of the House and the Banks and everything else, including the nations; but that will change...
FFWPU and the ‘Realm of the fourth Adam’ consisting of religious or Socratically-non-religious, but conscientious 4th Adam in the name of Heavenly Parent, will develop and arise, coming together and proclaiming the teachings of GODISM-Parentism. 
Families from all religions and nations will have their say and when that happens there will come peace, love, goodness and happiness forever. It is a matter of supreme destiny, that Hell will no longer exist on earth or in the spiritual world.
There will be The Kingdom of heaven on Earth and in Heaven.

The following are shared thoughts and ideas to grow this movement of worldwide families, considering that many have been doing so since 1954 when The Holy Spirit Association For World Peace And Unification was founded in South Korea. This is in addition to many things having been done throughout the world over the past decades.

If the asset of having existing members including their needs, were married into existence of a Localized Tribal Messiah/FFWPU Complex with private lower cost, co-owned-housing and if it were to be a happy experience, then there would come fruit as in new members.
Google:  Co-owned housing on church properties, alongside of main church buildings re-purposed for the public purpose and community. This is exactly, the one favored idea by members, that is being considered for developing at UTS, Barrytown.

IN THE NEWS: Anglican Church to sell 120 properties to fund sex abuse redress | The ...

Recently 2018 - TASMANIA'S Anglican Church has revealed plans to sell more than 120 properties to fund redress for survivors of child sexual abuse. The church estimates it will need to raise $8 million to fund new and additional payments to survivors under the national redress scheme.


Our greatest deficiencies:
Nationwide-Very many of the 1st generation are older and many, not well off financially; further isolated by independent debt and high housing costs, leaving little time to reach out, even to fellowship.
·        Not yet enough pathways in industrial-development for greater community participation from young to old; centering on providential underlined industries such as Oceanic enterprise.

Here are some points and testimony to consider.

Our greatest assets:
True Father’s /True Parents words especially regarding lifestyle, food, fishing, industry, ownership, community, issues of culture and interests of society.
* Elder 1st generation members experience.
* 2nd Generation members health, youthful vitality.
* We have some Dollars; like ‘loaves of bread.’
With D-Day like planning, we could together make a ‘Beachhead landing’. A Pioneering stage w/ remnant membership, living in High Noon. With hope to attract more participants. ‘BUILD IT THEY WILL COME.’- Have Confidence.’
Here is another story on the power of a local community prayer that could be an inspiration to do the same, to build such a complex and to develop even more industry with, for, the next generations.

Google: DREAMALITY -Atlanta Unification Church.
New Atlanta Church's Miracle Donation - Tiff and Cliff Gaines ...  Sep 25, 2013 - On the weekend of the 1st year Anniversary of True Father's Holy Universal Seonghwa, the Atlanta Family Church was ... Unification Theological Seminary (UTS) in Barrytown, NY. ... and wrote it up on paper during a breakout session called “Dreamality


Building with co-housing in mind is increasingly apparent. Here is an example of the thinking, heading in the right direction for intergenerational families, friends, and communities.

Besides the practical needs of shelter, is the utmost importance of harmony, good character, resilience, sense of responsibility and all that comes from our understanding of God’s values and Providence…….
So for all our centers, all our homes, ‘Happiness, Truth, Music’ are of great importance in the lives we live.
Many people are opened spiritually by music and only then can truth be made known.
If I had not had certain sounds fill me before hearing the Divine Principle, I may not have even understood much of it; I believe it is the same with others. Music somehow makes the mind ready.
Our lives need to be in the company of music and then in the company of others so that we can harmonize and think together.
David Eaton speaks of this importance and it would be good to have his ideas developed, for our bringing knowledge of True Parents to the world and in teaching the Divine Principle. It does not work for us to have homes and centers that are without music, truth, and happiness in expression.
David Eaton on Music:
Borrowing from David Eaton’s article is this video of Leonard Cohen-‘Hallelujah’. ( ‘a cold and broken hallelujah’; from one broken beggar to another broken beggar; as they always say in New York…Enjoy!)

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