Chapter 10- A New
Beginning: UPF/Abel-UN & World Peace Highway.
*New United
The largest
engineering project in history,
International Peace Highway
by Douglas Moriarty - March 1st, 2012 “They shall beat their swords into plowshares and their spears into pruning hooks. Nation shall not lift up sword against nation, neither shall they learn war any more.” – Isaiah 2:4
The above is the Motto of the United Nations; let us take a look at the history of the UN.
Looking back over the past 100 years, there is a sequential
development taking place in both an internal and external way in parallel of
each other. In the sequential development of three distinct stages over time there is a formation stage, growth stage and completion stage; just as a seed (formation stage) in time sprouts to become a tree (growth stage), this same tree grows in time to finally become a tree mature enough to bear fruit (completion stage).
By the internal side I mean anything that is relevant to the creation process of the United Nations; in other words, it’s developmental history as a body for international communication, dialogue, and understanding.
On the external side, I want to illustrate physical, substantial and concrete projects that are paralleling the internal developments of the United Nations process in the same time periods.
Time period..………Internal stages………………………………External stages
World War 1………League of Nations………………….………New York City Parkways
World War 2………United Nations…………………USA Interstate Highway System
World War 3………Universal Peace Federation-UN……....International Peace Highway
THE UNIVERSAL PEACE FEDERATION-UN AND THE INTERNATIONAL PEACE HIGHWAY is the 3rd stage of a providence that has been in the making for the past 100 years.
The first two stages are a reality!
It is the 3rd stage that is not yet widely recognized…
Following is an observation of the internal/ external, three stage development over time.
Post-World War 1 / League of Nations / New York City Parkway
First internal stage******* League of Nations
The first formation stage internally is the idea itself of a United Nations. The idea came forward as a result of the First World War. The shocking experience of a world ravaged by war so gross, moved political leaders to think outside of the box and research new methods of communication so that this could never happen again.
World War 1 it was hoped would be”, the war to end all wars”. The idea came in the proposal for a ‘League of Nations’. History records this was a failure but this is not fair to say; that is like saying a seed planted in the ground is a failure at the time of planting.
The League of Nations was not really a failure; as a ‘seed’ it worked underground until the time came when it was strong enough to appear as a young sprout. There is a saying ‘all things come in 3’; another is ”if at first, you don’t succeed; then surely by the third”.
First external stage******* New York City Parkway
Our great cities were built for horse and carriage as was New York. With the advent of the motorized car, there were very few adequate roads. One wealthy Railroad Barren and Stock Investor named William Vanderbilt lived 60 miles from Wall Street where he worked. In 1908 he built for himself, a ‘driveway’ 60 miles long and charged people a toll if anyone else were to want use of it. His personal driveway was a great enjoyment for him.
Long Island Motor Parkway: The Worlds First Highway
came Robert Moses, a visionary in terms of civil engineering; who dreamed of a
society where all people could enjoy the view of nature; just like the
Vanderbilt family. This man succeeded in building a Parkways System that
allowed no commercial signs or commercial vehicles on it so that all could
enjoy the view as they went to and fro along its paths. Along with these roads
came bridges, tunnels, airports, subways and more railroads unleashing an
economic power that is unmatched to this day. It brought people together to
enjoy nature, helped them to get to work quickly bringing with them their
growing skills and talents from all over the world… By the hands of people who heard the call “Give us your tired, your poor, your huddled masses yearning to breathe free, the wretched refuse of your teeming shore. Send these, the homeless, tempest-tost to me, I lift my lamp beside the Golden Door.” (The Motto at the base of the Statue of Liberty); these were the people who built the roads of Robert Moses’ vision.
This roads building project rescued New York from severe economic depression after the 1929 crash and brought forth skilled persons from “the huddled masses yearning to breathe free” who worked to complete the building of the World’s largest building of that time, the Empire State Building.
Post-World War 2 / United Nations / U.S.A. Interstate Highway
Second internal stage******* United Nations
Without any improved means of communication and understanding, the world quickly found itself at war again on a level that was unimaginable. World War 2 brought us to the point of annihilation with the advent of Nuclear Weapons and delivery systems for this apocalyptic power.
General Dwight David Eisenhower, the victorious commander of Allied Forces in the European Theatre of war was given following WW2 the responsibility to establish a place where the nations can meet. He chose New York City and opened a meeting of nations in Lake Success, Nassau County, New York on Long Island; in a former munitions factory. It remained there until the United Nations Headquarters was built on the Island of Manhattan in New York City.
The Motto of this new United Nations came from the prophecy of Isaiah in the Bible foretelling of an end to all war between nations. This is an unfulfilled prophecy in the past 60 years. In fact, we have more nuclear weapons and weapons of all kinds than we have hairs on our head... “If our world were an egg we could surely fry it.”-anonymous?
Over 60 years the United Nations grew to become like a huge tree that is charming in appearance but it has not borne fruit. It is in fact barren. It has a politically appointed body of ambassadors from nearly 200 nations and their job is foremost; to represent to other nations, their own national demands or interests... “The world of flying geese may be one but the world of humanity is fenced with artificial borders drawn by drunken political ambassadors throughout human history.” -A statement describing political boundaries made by Laurence of Arabia for Great Britain in the Middle East.
This ungodly existence is destined to end with the advent of the fulfillment of human responsibility. The providence of Democracy itself is a reflection of the transference of authority from King to Citizen, with the aim of giving responsibility to all… This is where we will see the fruit!
Let us have hope!
This present United Nations that has a body of political ambassadors and even more substantially has a growing presence of NGO’s (non- governmental organizations) dealing with human issues such as poverty, health, education, war abuses, landmines, fair voting, amnesty, international debt, corruption, drug trafficking, religious liberties and countless other things are the issues that cross borders.
Leaders of these issues view the world more like Geese who see no border. The entire body of the United Nations; very much including the NGO’s is pregnant with potential at this time to bear fruit in the form of a New United Nations.
Second external stage ******* U.S.A. Interstate Highway System
While riding along the Parkways of New York City as he was carrying out the responsibility to establish a United Nations in New York, General Dwight David Eisenhower, marveled at this roadways system and conceived of an idea that could bring all America more closely together from across its great distances. The economic miracle of New York was not lost on him and he imagined what a similar roads system would do for the whole of the United States. In fact, he had vivid memories of seeing and riding upon the German Autobahn.
He campaigned for President of the United States with this idea, he won and from 1951 until 1966 the largest part of this road system was built. Ten interstate highways going East to West called I-1 to I-90 covering the USA from south to the north and another ten interstate highways going North to South called I-5 to I-95 covering the USA from East to West came into existence.
100 years on the Lincoln Highway
Eisenhower Plan
World War 3 / Universal Peace Federation-UN / International Peace Highway
“Is the 3rd World War inevitable?” The Divine Principle, which will be introduced, at the end of this paper, says; it is going to happen but it could be either an internal or an external conflict. Will it be an internal war of words and ideas or another massive military conflict?
The answer depends upon the fulfillment of human responsibility at this time and not absolute destiny.
Third internal stage ******* Universal Peace Federation-U.N.
The third stage development of the United Nations began on September 12th, 2005. Not all UN Ambassadors were present. In fact, there was a lot of confusion. There were two celebrations going on at the same time; one, the UN’s 60th Anniversary at the UN itself, the other the “Birth of a new idea” at The Prestigious Lincoln Centre of New York.
This idea is named the Universal Peace Federation and Its Founder is the Reverend Sun Myung Moon. Many participants of these events were crossing back and forth through Manhattan to attend each.
Go with the status quo or follow the birth of a new idea; this is the question!
A new chamber, which is called the……. “Abel UN” (This is a Cain/ Abel--- elder brother/younger brother---UN/UPF analogy.) arising, alongside the existing political body of delegates at this UN, representing the talents and skills of all humanity, not just political people; must arise. This new Chamber is arising!... It is arising from the religious realm; together with people who think beyond their own national boundary.
Historically religious people have made many mistakes; hypocrisy and fanaticism are rife throughout, at times. Within religious thought, there is also repentance, reflection, meditation and renewal by the Holy Spirit. In our effort during these modern times to cleanse ourselves from this corruption of the past, it can be said “The baby (good religious thinking) has been thrown out with the dirty bathwater (religious corruption and fanaticism) “so to speak.
Restoring people of religious understanding to prominent leadership opportunity is essential to bringing about a peaceful world. Religious fanaticism cannot be defeated by a silent and unrepresented religious majority; neither can political ambition and avarice be successfully challenged. Political ideals come and go in the average span of 40-100 years, religious ideals hold fast in the hearts of people for 1000’s of years. Their good example can impart values that have long gone unpractised and neglected in this tragic world.
Imagine the thoughts that Gandhi or Martin Luther King may have had to share with the world at times of crisis if they had really been given the official platform to speak continually at an international gathering of world leaders.
Universal Peace Federation is where this will happen! Talented people, respected spiritual, cultural and educational leaders together with exceptionally prominent people from numerous fields of human interest will be in this new chamber; not just political people.
Third external stage ******* International Peace Highway
The International Peace Highway.
Russia has put aside 65 Billion US dollars for the Bering Strait Bridge Tunnel so far. ( google ) Russia Green Lights $65 Billion Siberia-Alaska Rail and Tunnel to ...
23 Aug 2011 ... The massive undertaking would traverse the Bering Strait with the worlds largest land masses... putting aside some concern regarding fault lines, that could cause major rebuilds every few centuries. At least it would save the atmosphere/ionosphere from excessive aviation.
The two chambers together in a new UN and the contemplation on human issues they can then have; affording, a spiritual and political dialogue will, with the prayers of many people bring the UN into the 3rd stage fruition of the development. This very likely and most hopefully, will bring an end to the fruitless experience of the present United Nations over the past 67 years and do so with wider support of all humanity.
History has provided us with proof of the value of road systems from the recent times of Robert Moses and Dwight David Eisenhower. There are many more examples to be drawn upon to prove this point; including much earlier histories such as the Roman or Mongolian Empires.
The International Peace Highway proposed and named by Reverend Sun Myung Moon in 1981 consisting of rail and roads crossing the Bering Strait where the USA and Russia meet and linking the great land masses of this Earth together is destined to bring the world of the East and the world of the West together, forever.
It was Mark Twain who said… “Travel is fatal to prejudice, bigotry and narrow-mindedness.”
Global scale road and rail systems are what we need now!... After WW-1 roads helped New Yorkers to build The Empire State Building in the middle of a severe economic depression. After WW-2 the USA Interstate Highway System fired up the economy so much that we were able to reach the Moon in the midst of the Cold War.
With an International Highway system, we can reduce our collective carbon footprint on the planet and come to know each other as we have never before had the chance. We are a human family! We need to meet each other more frequently. This highway-rail system will bring the cultures of the world together. It can be started in a very secure way with regard to immigration issues, through Reverend Moon’s idea of International Peace Zones in special places around the world.
the world.
culture is strong and also weak in other areas; as meeting each other increases
through travel the balance of these strengths will take place and improve the
whole. We can unite! We must!!! …The failure to do so would explode in our faces in the form of religious and racial wars that would bring unprecedented suffering to the world and this does not have to happen. Many of the present conflicts will increase the growth and development of more people dedicated to peace and transformation of themselves and their societies.
Today modern, the technology exists, for cars that can use Hydrogen, which is inexhaustible; many other sources such as electric are being greatly improved. Cars can be made as personal pods that can go from the frame of a car to a cabin on an international train in no time at all while all your personal belongings remain with you anywhere in the world. Cargo can be moved with less pollution to the oceans and air. Trains with Magnetic Levitation will glide over untouched steel. Tunnels can be constructed robotically and maintained from an office overlooking the Niagara Falls or Sydney Harbor if we wanted.
We will be able to build cities that are environmentally friendly and help us to keep our closeness to nature without which we cannot grow and mature as responsible people who love this earth.
There is a saying that only the “sky is the limit” to your dreams; so don’t think small. This needs revision because at this time in history; the sky is no longer the limit! Our ignorance and bad feelings to one another are our only limits.
Here is a little music and photo
journey of the city of New York; built by lovers and people from around the
world, carrying not much more than their dreams into it; bequeathing treasures
to mankind through it.
New York Then and Now: 100 years
Reference for online discovery and learning using video
presentation. for a video
presentation of current UPF-UN activity; along with magazine and news articles.
There is a link to YouTube videos available. for archive, with 60
subject listings of video presentations, including the development of the
International Peace Highway. is a unification Home Page.
Sermons, textbooks on Unification, academic papers by world scholars are fully
available to be read online. has interesting
selections available at this time. It is a work in progress but offers a
beautiful way to see and hear important points of understanding about The
Divine Principle with accompanying music and art.
Peace Road
2018 promotion English edition (6m:24s)
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