Friday, January 25, 2019

Chapter 14 - Let's find the 'big picture' on current events.

Chapter 14- Let’s find the ‘big picture’ on current events.
The whole world is wrapped up in the concern of issues, having to do with the environment in so many ways. The environment is an issue relating to the third Blessing from God, to ‘have dominion of all things’…with love.
There is a lot of talk about issues dealing with both the first and second Blessing also, but the main focus is on the third Blessing issue of the environment. Why is it that God gave an order to His Blessings to us from the individual level-‘be fruitful’, next to the conjugal level-‘to multiply’, before calling us to be the ‘Lords of Creation’. This point is the real ‘Big Picture’. It needs to be understood why it is important. For purpose of understanding more about this most important information, there are on the internet many video programs that will explain in detail the meaningful answers to those questions. It involves the building of good character and expanding such personality, character, and love into our families. That is true to say, the only way we can solve the present problems and prevent further problems.
The points I make in this e:book are to inspire you into more awareness of how high the stakes are; to feel the need to be more in tune with God’s Providence to help change some of the many very dangerous things that are now in the process of development.
The internal spiritual answer is to look more clearly into what is being said in The Divine Principle. We have as I initially stated, slept through the greatest spiritual developments in history and many have become as dead as doornails; without any anxiety at all, about the world’s situation.
Externally, our misunderstanding of options available can cause failures in development and research of solutions that would compare to failing to win the Second World War; because we did not choose to develop the best equipment with which we could win the war with.
What are our best options at this time to solve our difficulties, to understand our problems? This chapter is to help give you more information on the efforts to expose them and solve them.

1st May 2014 - Understanding Current Events
Introduction  to ‘The Thrive Movement’

*‘The Thrive Movement’- is a documentary that uncovers many problems but gives a message of hope to a world polarized by conflicts in all areas of life.

*U.N.Agenda 21 is information related to the United Nations and certain actions it is involved in. One is the action taken in 1992 to initiate Agenda 21 for the 21st century. This action on environmental sustainability and development has caused a reaction among many people who are opposed to Agenda 21 and others calling that reaction; ‘conspiracy thinking’.

The denigration of other opinions as ‘conspiracy thinking’ is certainly something we should be aware of; if you are at all open to the understanding that behind human history there is the reality of a Devil.

“Once Satan came to dominate human beings, who were intended to be the Lords of Creation, he also achieved dominion over everything in the Universe. Accordingly, it is written,
“the creation waits with eager longing for the revealing of the sons of God…. We know that the whole creation has been groaning in travail together until now”.
These verses describe the agony of the creation under the domination of Satan as it longs for the appearance of unfallen people who have perfected their original nature; it yearns for the day when they will vanquish Satan and rule it in love”.-Divine Principle 4.1  Satan and Fallen Humanity Pg. 68

*The Thrive movie is an attempt by Foster Gamble and Kimberly Carter Gamble…
 To understand how so many evil things could happen in such a short period of time; the Gamble couple documented these studies and observations.
They do not consider any knowledge relating to the existence of a spirit world; it is nevertheless, well worth watching and brings forth many things that need to be looked into more; if we are going to ever be able to move the existing UN into alignment with True Father’s call to establish an Abel U.N.

#1-  ‘The Thrive Movement’- movie
Created by Foster Gamble and Kimberly Carter Gamble

A documentary that delivers a message of hope to a world polarized by conflicts in all areas of life; health and healthcare, employment and lack of money, education and lack of opportunity for many, food that has less and less nutrient value, loss of individual rights amid growing power of corporations.

It makes an amazing series of statements defining how these things are happening; which may lead many people to awaken and reconsider the reality of there being an intelligent force working against human interest called the Devil or Satan.

Although the subject of Satan is not addressed at all; nor is there anything mentioned about Angels either; the film does express its belief in Alien life forms. At this point, I depart from any agreement with the creators of the film. I know there is indeed a Satan and as True Father the Reverend Sun Myung Moon has stated: “Satan’s greatest trick has been to convince people that he (Satan) does not exist.”

I was surprised to see that he depicts Wind Turbines in his movie as a means of renewable energy. They are in fact not clean, not green and not cheap; but that argument is for another time. He is in the movie talking mostly about a new energy system using electro-magnetic-fields and that is as apparent in all things as is the Tao Symbol of Yang and Yin. This new energy will likely become the way to release Hydrogen from water to be used in each home and business on the planet; as True Father spoke of.

The film will take you on a tour of Quantum Physics, Electromagnetic fields, Nikola Tesla,  a history of good ideas sabotaged, The Pyramids, New Energy, Ben Still, Banking Cartels, How the Federal Reserve works, Spirituality, Spiritual Experiences (misunderstood as Alien life forms), Loss of individual freedom, a Superstorm of world problems; causing more surveillance and more government control, Credible witness’ of high officials exposing illegal government actions and the Corporatocracy we all now live in.

#2- Rosa Koire on YouTube who founded The Post Sustainability Institute.
Open Mind Conference 2013 Agenda 21 / United Nations

She has been exposing the Cain level of thought (as in manipulative and forceful; even communistic in style) that United Nations Agenda 21 instituted in 1992 and explaining about I.C.L.E.I. (Local governments for sustainability-International Council for Local Environmental Initiatives) an organization founded in 1990 to create a grassroots method of implementing an international U.N. agenda on environmental sustainability methods as they perceive it.
This stemming from a Cain type view of the world and method of implementation is not on God’s side either…more like sustainability; by any means necessary!
Having both these items (#1&#2) shown to me capped off many years of trying to comprehend how this broken world was not working. In fact, ever since learning much about Nikola Tesla in 1976, even more in 1994 and how he was character assassinated; I have searched to understand, the unacceptable reality of a world that does not function well; yet is comprised of so many people that would give their lives to save the life of others.
All this being said; there are important organizations created by True Father that are Heaven’s answer to the above-mentioned problems. It is important to highlight their development to the world.
Although we still struggle to achieve victory in our own calling to fulfill the 1st blessing to individually-‘Be fruitful’ and 2nd blessing as Husband and Wife to ‘Multiply’ ourselves centered on Heavenly Parent we must also embrace the responsibility to accomplish the 3rd blessing as well; requiring us all, to become the True Lords of Creation and have Dominion over all things, in True Love.
We need to recognize that currently the Cain U.N. is using bad science or science conducted secretly, without moral or ethical evaluation. Immorality and blind science are now ‘residents’ of the existing U.N.; It’s a sad truth. Complying with their schemes in leadership will lead to ruin because they are not in line with wisdom that is of God. Condoms for the world’s young and poor, wind farms that leave HUGE carbon footprints, transgender bathrooms, Marxist influence and secular irreverent understanding of life in general by political elites calling themselves ‘ambassadors’ of UNITED NATIONS is just revolting to most people; with any real understanding of what is going on in this world.

‘Where there is no vision the people will perish” Proverbs 29:18

In True Father’s / True Parent’s Lifetime the foundations for peace and resolution were set down and made known through publications like this:
*The Fruits of True Love
The Life Work Of
Reverend Sun Myung Moon’  (need of serious updating)

*I.C.U.S. – ‘International Conferences on the Unity of the Sciences’ is one of the first. Properly established, it will save money, time and more importantly lives, from the use of ‘bad science’.

True Parents gave the world a God centered World View and established
FFWPU, I.C.U.S. and
Universal Peace Federation,
as organizations to lead the world.

We, therefore, must be fortified with knowledge of ‘Divine Law’ through FFWPU and ‘natural law’ through ICUS; harmonizing God centered morality and scientific knowledge and development.
Through this we can help bring to existence the collaboration of an Abel U.N /U.P.F. upholding the values of FFWPU and I.C.U.S.; this will give new life and understanding to the Cain U.N.

Through the harmonious collaboration of the Cain / Abel –U.N. organizations will the many serious world issues be more carefully dealt with and bring better results. The Three Blessings will be properly addressed within the framework of a God Centred body of World Leadership and Governance.

It is no mistake that True Parents expressed their concern about both internal development and external development when UPF was inaugurated in 2005. In particular, I am reminded of their concern to build an International Highway by gathering the money from decreasing military expenditures. They set a standard of delivering hope to mankind and as the world’s problems have continued to increase; it is necessary to remember that we need to speak of solutions that offer both internal and external vision.

Cheon Seong Gyeong
“1.4. The ocean will become the only energy source.

The resources of the ocean are so vast, compared to those of the land. In the future, the use of oil, coal, and electricity will cease. There is a limit to what electricity can do. Therefore, the ocean will become the only energy source. This will be based on the development of hydrogen energy. (94-130, 1977.7.30)
In the future, science will be able to create an unlimited supply of food. The reason this is not possible now is because the cost of fuel is so high. However, when hydrogen energy is developed, we will have an unlimited supply of energy. We will even have too much energy. Then, we can make as much food as we want, so much that we will not know what to do with all the food. Since it will be boring to eat all that food alone, we will approach a person on the street and say, "Come and share some of this food with me, and let's talk for a while." Since we do not know when that time will come, I am saying that we should prepare from now. We must create those circumstances. Then our descendants will be able to live comfortably. (141-223, 1986.2.22)”
“If you mismanage the ocean, wars will break out. Then a hydrogen bomb that could destroy the earth might be dropped. That is why church members should occupy the coastal waters to a point, twenty kilometers from the coasts, or any place in the world centering on this number. Then the world will be within our embrace. (303-155, 1999.8.17)”
"In the future when hydrogen is converted into fuel, the world will quickly become an affluent one. But if the wrong person is in charge of this vast raw material, they will destroy the entire world. The only person who can prevent that is Rev. Moon, so we should entrust that task to him." (184-222, 1989.1.1)”

To reference:

*The Thrive Movement- the Movie is an effort of great value in that direction. Please take the time to see this film.
*Another effort of insight into world problems is by
Rosa Koire-The ‘ Post-Sustainability Institute’ Open Mind Conference 2013 Agenda 21 / United Nations.

…and another by
*Lord Christopher Monckton
Agenda 21 exposed

…another expose is the book:
*Hitler’s Scientist-Science, War and the Devil’s Pact by John Cornwell
This book firmly shows the importance of I.C.U.S. (International Conference on the Unity of the Sciences)

The providential view of True Father is … that the world is now divided into 4 camps which inherit from what happened on Golgotha 2,000 years ago.

1st-Jesus on the cross,
2nd-the good thief on the cross,
3rd-the bad thief on the cross and
4th-Barabbas who was traded with Jesus and released from the cross leaving innocent Jesus to go to the cross?

*One side with Jesus and the good thief, that is in the light and holds the view that human beings are all inheritors of Divine value given to ALL by God. This can empower them to thrive amid difficulties but even more so in a fair and just environment. They are willing to love their enemy and make the sacrifice of themselves for the betterment of all.

*The second side with Barabbas and the bad thief, has a view that is dark and views Human beings as being a material existence without original value and can be manipulated even by God to his glory (predestined and sent to hell forever and ever) or used for themselves to their own advantage. This dark view does not believe that others can control themselves and will squander what they may have; therefore, they must be controlled and enforcement is necessary to control.

*The most basic of truths in understanding the problems of our world, is that Satan or satanic force is a reality.

*In Christian Religion and Culture-

*During the Middle Ages: it was God vs Satan in all things…
*In our modern world the existence of Satan has become hidden, nebulous and doubtful.
The worldview today is ideological and in the realm of political practice, there is either right or wrong based on relative pragmatism. Materialism is viewed strongly by both sides with great importance. The Cold war between the free world and communist world both sought an ideal world but by radically different means. Few looked at it in terms of God vs Satan.

At the end of the Cold War, few understood that the ongoing and conflicting worldviews of democracy and communism would appear again in another guise.

The guise it now appears in, is in terms of conflict for control of environmental resources and for control of the human population and how they live for a rapidly developing technological world, where two sides are again at each other’s throats.
The question is how can the world with a population of 7 billion and growing become a better place to live for all? How can resources be used more effectively?
These are questions regarding the 3rd Blessing. These questions lead to a great division of opinion and in some cases, it appears that people are willing to revert to great force or manipulation to have their way.

This conflict challenges all individuals who believe in their own Divine value vs the ‘willing’ who follow the lead of others. Who appears to have the greater power?  It is sad to say the people who trust that the others, the elites know what they are doing and are given undeserved trust for a variety of reasons having to do with pure propaganda. This is an irresponsible situation that has come to be, because the people have lost understanding of God and the battle between good and evil.  

Hoon Dok Hae and Prayer can reveal how True Father has revealed to us the works of Satan/satanic force and how we can advise this world to understand God’s viewpoint.

*Almost no one understands what people, centuries before knew and that was that there is a Satan, a Devil and it is always a conflict needing to be resolved about…
What is God’s Will? …And how is it that Satan tells his lies.
The Divine Principle and True Father’s, True Mother’s words are the best way to understand the patterns of history and why it repeats itself and fails so often to continue with ongoing successes, instead of a procession of failures.

Therefore, we have been given the internet; to make known the providence of Heavenly Parent and True Parents.

More websites that touch upon these same concerns; but from different angles:

The next war has already started
There is a famous quote from Albert Einstein about war. He said, “I know not with what weapons World War III will be fought, but World War IV will be fought with sticks and stones."
This is an interesting anonymous quote about external reasons of war involving OIL for energy-
“I am considerably less qualified than Einstein to predict the weapons to be used in WWIII, but I am pretty sure of what it will be about, and who we will be fighting against. In fact, the war has already begun. The war is about oil, and our dance partner is China. Wars over oil are nothing new, of course. Oil played a significant part in both World Wars – indeed, Iraq is an artificial state created by a young Winston Churchill in the aftermath of World War I exactly because of the growing importance of oil to the ebbing British Empire.
The Allies occupied it during WWII for the same reason. Oil is a strategic asset, as military types would say. What makes a resource strategic is the likelihood that demand will exceed supply – that is, that it may become scarce.

And make no mistake, oil is about to become very scarce indeed. As many others have noted, the endless “up” escalator of increasing oil reserves and production is about to become a slow but painful trip down. An increasing number of experts are voicing the heretical notion that world oil reserves are on the downside of the bell curve. Some experts think the peak is as much as a decade off; others think we are there right about now.
If world demand for oil could be throttled back, the impact of this trend could be relatively mild. But there are a number of reasons why that is simply not in the cards. One is, of course, our nation’s profligate consumption: Americans consume nearly three times as much energy per capita as Europeans do, and nearly six times the world average. But even if Americans were to suddenly abandon their dreadnought SUVs ‘en masse’, world consumption would likely continue to increase. And one of the primary reasons is China.
We all know that China's economy is growing like bamboo (a mind-boggling 9% annual rate for the 25-year period from 1978 to 2003), and that it is increasingly willing to flex its muscles in politics and international finance. Less well-known is the fact that China is already the 2nd largest consumer of energy in the world.
We tend to think of China as a backward country unused to casting a global shadow. But as The Economist has pointed out “China was the largest economy for much of recorded history. Until the 15th century, China had the highest income per head and was the technological leader.” Perhaps in part because of its long history, China tends to take a long view of events. While American businesses worry about next quarter, China is making decisions that will bear fruit a generation from now. And so it invests in education and manufacturing while we file dutifully into Walmart to buy their $30 DVD players.
As China has become the world’s factory, it has also become the leading consumer of many industrial commodities including steel, coal and cement. And as prosperity turns Chinese workers into acquisitive consumers, their demand for the high-energy badges of modernity like automobiles is exploding. Volkswagen now sells more cars in China than in Germany.
How will China fuel its increasingly affluent economy? It will have to secure access to a truly staggering amount of oil – oil that would otherwise be targeted for our Hummers and Suburbans. And China may well get it without firing a shot.
A couple of months ago ChevronTexaco (remember when anti-trust laws broke up what has again been joined together?) announced that it was to acquire fellow big oil player (and former Taliban coddler) Unocal for $16.4 billion. But such announcements do not always lead to the desired results; in one of the essential rituals of American big business, Unocal is “in play.” In other words, its management, duty-bound to get the highest possible price for its shareholders, must consider other offers. China National Offshore Oil Corp. (CNOOC), the number three oil company in China, is publicly contemplating putting in a higher bid. The blogosphere yawns, but a bid from CNOOC could be the Pearl Harbor of the next great war.
America's economy, foreign policy, internal future, and wet dreams of another century of hegemony are all tied to cheap oil. And the way we have kept oil cheap is by being the 800-pound gorilla (also guerrilla) of the world energy market. OPEC controls some of the supply but make no mistake that Big Oil – American Big Oil – calls the shots for the world energy market.
But Big Oil cannot change the decline in basic supply. And even if they could change the effect that will follow from that cause, they would have absolutely no incentive to do so, because the immediate and primary effect of even minor shortfalls in supply will be huge increases in the price of a barrel of oil. In past disruptions, note that shortages of only 5% in supply caused 400% increases in its price. But the oil crises of the 1970s were short-term, artificial phenomena. The coming crisis is real, systemic and terminal.
Put together the contraction in supply and the growing ability of China to control some of that supply, and you get a taste of the cataclysm that will follow when China's growing productivity and affluence really go toe-to-toe with our oil addiction. China, which may be less than a truly free market at home, has no problem bitch-slapping us with Adam Smith's invisible hand at the most macro level. So it seems rather obvious that China will flex its growing muscles and buy its own secure supply by bidding on bigger and bigger helpings of Big Oil.
In most ways, the Bush Administration is simply the policy arm of Big Oil. Who will man the marionettes if the Chinese take control of Big Oil? Will the champions of the free market standby if the Chinese outbid us fair and square for the energy (and control of that energy) we have taken for granted?
One of the inherent flaws in the free market system is that left unchecked, it usually results in the accretion of a great deal of power in the hands of one or a few. The winners are known as monopolists to economists or bullies to the rest of us. Republicans have always defended the system, and thus the bullies, but of course they have coincidentally always been the biggest kids in the sandbox. Last week, CNOOC, in fact, bid $18.5 billion for Unocal. Numerous voices in the Administration and Congress (on both sides of the aisle) are already squealing.
Bullies tend to become cry-babies when their reign ends due to the arrival of a bigger bully. Time will tell how our oil bullies will react, but I predict they will squeal like stuck pigs when China assumes its inevitable role as the bigger bully.
Whether the war this crisis triggers will be fought with guns and bombs or money and lawyers, I do not know. But war it will be.”

NEXT is about OIL and maybe one of America’s greatest Generals ever; a two-time winner of the Congressional Medal of Honour. A man that prevented a Coup D’état in 1934 against the United States Government:
BTW if you don't think there was a deep state in that time please google research about how 500.000 veterans camped outside Washington, DC in 1930s waiting to be led by Retired General Smedley Butler who tricked them, revealing the conspirators, who were too powerful to put in jail, as they should have been. Kind of reminds you of now 2015-2018.
Major General Smedley D. Butler Expose Fascist Coup in the US. 1934

Born: West Chester, Pa., July 30, 1881 
Awarded two congressional medals of honor:
1. capture of Vera Cruz, Mexico, 1914
2. capture of Ft. Riviere, Haiti, 1917
Distinguished service medal, 1919
Major General - United States Marine Corps
Retired Oct. 1, 1931
Lecturer -- 1930's
Republican Candidate for Senate, 1932
Died at Naval Hospital, Philadelphia, June 21, 1940
For more information about Major General Butler,
contact the United States Marine Corps.
From the left and right of American politics, people can see the danger of Corporatism.
The replacement of Vice-President Henry Wallace with Harry Truman becoming Vice-President as Roosevelt was in more failing health is a profound story, that 15 years later was addressed when Eisenhower warned of the 'military, industrial complex'. Roger Stone in the film ‘Untold Story of American History’-
…BTW it NEVER points out the faults of the Soviets, but I think he's pointing to our faults is fairly credible. Henry Wallace was a very good man, a real Christian and would have morally led America and the coming United Nations after Roosevelt in a significant way. I think Truman was a mistake. I do not think even Henry Wallace would have fired MacArthur. Yet the deep state at that time destroyed Wallace by rumoring he was a communist; same way they did about MLK 20 years later.

Important films about energy to understand; that are becoming increasingly known and understood with help of the internet.

*Thorium Summary YouTube  ENERGY AS FREE AS SAND TO TURN WATER INTO HYDROGEN; TAKE YOUR PICK, sand or water for all the world’s energy needs. God’s love is of abundance.

The following is from the U.N- there is more behind this agenda than meets the eye.
Not their ideas alone, but their methodology, especially is the question.
Will it be ‘by any means necessary’ or by humanity rising to the occasion in its own right?

“On Mother Earth Day, UN urges protecting the planet from ‘heavy hand of humankind’
Desertification in Namibia. Photo: UNEP/A.Gloor/Namibia
22 April 2014 – “On International Mother Earth Day, the United Nations is urging greater efforts to promote sustainable development and use of renewable energy sources, with Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon appealing for worldwide changes in attitude and practice to curb the negative impact of human activity on the planet.
“From tropical deforestation to depleted ocean fisheries, from growing freshwater shortages to the rapid decline of biodiversity and increasingly polluted skies and seas in many parts of the world, we see the heavy hand of humankind,” said the UN chief.
As a part of the Organization’s efforts to drive home the importance of respecting and protecting the planet towards ensuring ‘the future we want’, the General Assembly is convening an interactive dialogue on “Harmony with Nature” to commemorate the International Day, marked annually on 22 April.
Following a high-level segment this morning, the Member States, UN agencies and independent stakeholders will discuss in a series of roundtables ways to promote a balanced integration of the economic, social and environmental dimensions of sustainable development.
In his message on the Day, which gives an opportunity to reflect on humankind’s relationship with the planet, Mr. Ban said: “The air we breathe, the water we drink and the soil that grows our food is part of a delicate global ecosystem that is increasingly under pressure from human activities.”
As such, and with a growing population, everyone must recognize that consumption of the planet’s resources is unsustainable. “We need a global transformation of attitude and practice. It is especially urgent to address how we generate the energy that drives our progress,” said the Secretary-General, emphasizing that burning fossil fuels is the principal cause of climate change, which increasingly threatens prosperity and stability in all regions.
“That is why world leaders have pledged to reach a global legal climate agreement in 2015.
He said that action on climate change presents multiple opportunities to “reset our relationship” with Mother Earth and improve human well-being, especially for the poorest and most vulnerable. Sustainable energy for all can increase health, wealth and opportunity for billions of people, as can climate-smart agriculture, more efficient cities, and better managed and protected forests.
To generate ambitious action on the ground and raise momentum for a new climate treaty in 2015, Mr. Ban is convening a climate summit in New York on 23 September this year. He is inviting Heads of State and Government along with private sector and civil society leaders to showcase initiatives and forge alliances that can help launch a sustainable future.
“But, they need support and encouragement, for change is never easy. So today, on International Mother Earth Day, I appeal to all people everywhere to raise their voices. Speak out on behalf of this planet, our only home,” said the Secretary-General.
General Assembly President John Ashe meanwhile called on the UN family to promote sustainable development and the use of renewable energy sources throughout cities and communities.
“As we look to promote the post-2015 development agenda, I call on the Member States, civil society and other stakeholders to answer the call put forth in the 2009 UN resolution by the General Assembly to invest more in sustainable technology and to promote our ecosystems through global environmental public policies,” he said.
As the world confronted today’s unique sustainable development challenges, stakeholders’ understanding of the economic, social and environmental needs of present and future generations must be rooted in the most up-to-date scientific information.
“Our global strategy must promote sound environmental ethics, and continually emphasize humanity’s interconnectedness with nature,” said Mr. Ashe, looking forward to the Assembly’s discussions on the issue throughout the day.
In his remarks to the Assembly dialogue, Mr. Ashe said the history of civilization is the story of the sometimes-complex relationship of human beings with nature and the planet.
“From the time man sought dominance and control over the environment, the quality of our lives as human beings has changed radically.
While that change was largely positive, modern patterns of consumption and production have caused such overexploitation of natural resources that there is disequilibrium in the delicate balances of earth’s ecosystems,” he said.
The evidence is that the current global population is using vast quantities of natural resources at so rapid a rate that we are consuming 50 percent more resources than the planet can provide.
“Consequently, today’s lifestyles have ushered in what scientists are now calling the Anthropocene Era,” said Mr. Ashe, explain that this essentially this means man’s lifestyles, actions, technologies, and practices can and are irrevocably and adversely impacting nature, putting the survival of many species under threat.
“We cannot and must not ignore the cries of our planet to restore a more harmonious relationship with nature. Nor must we lose the opportunity to work harmoniously with each other for the common good,” he said, encouraging delegations to consider the relevant information on the UN Harmony with Nature website as they consider ways to further build a knowledge network on sustainable development, the efforts of which will serve to produce a balanced paradigm for the planet and for people.”
Founder's Address: 3rd International Conference on the Unity of the Sciences
Sun Myung Moon
November 21-24, 1974

“Science should be gravely thorough and rigorous in determining facts, but in the process of utilizing the information and achievements, science should retain its position as one of the areas of human creativity. It should stay within the human realm so that it may be used and controlled and appreciated like the works of art and music.
When we reflect on the history of the human race, we see that there have been new frontiers in every era, some culminating in the development of literature, and others in the blossoming of medicine or the other sciences. Yet in the past, development of science and technology has been aimed mainly at the conquest and exploitation of nature.
Today this very science compels us to set up a new ethical standard. The new ethic should concern itself with the problems of love for nature and a re-examination of human values and the need for cooperation among human beings. It should attempt to set a new view of value and a new ethical norm which can bring about an ideal world of harmonious co-existence among all creatures on the earth.
The development of science and technology has certainly raised issues that invite us to seriously reflect on what is essential for us to remain human and to preserve humanity in our lives.
I strongly believe that all this can be made possible only when every field of scientific technology is mobilized for the benefit of mankind and when a cooperative spirit of human activity is available on the part of the men who handle the scientific technology.”

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