Friday, January 25, 2019

Chapter 2 - The Restoration of All Things

Chapter 2- The Restoration of All Things.

MADE IN THE USA stamped on things made one aware that you were holding something of good value… Well if that were always true, it would be wonderful.
The fact is, that is not yet always true, but it is always likely to become true if you understand what the American experiment has been about from the beginning. In this chapter, we will look at America and God’s providence. Specifically, we will begin to think about one of the Blessings God gave to Adam and Eve to achieve.
King James Bible
And God blessed them, and God said unto them, Be fruitful, and multiply, and replenish the earth, and subdue it: and have dominion over the fish of the sea, and over the fowl of the air, and over every living thing that moved upon the earth.
‘Be fruitful’
‘Have Dominion’…
The ‘Restoration of All Things’ is about attaining, the restored dominion of things, to have dominion in true love, and what was lost since Adam and Eve failed to achieve any of the three Blessings God gave them to achieve.
If this reasoning is not clearly understood by you, it is possible to look at this video and more clearly understand.

The Principle of Creation, Chapter One, Part Two-

A little less than 400 years ago…
In 1620, a divided boat necessitated, the signing of the ‘Mayflower Compact’ and by 1637 there were those in large number, with greed for money and with a racist character that festered into the American ‘Original Sin’.
This tragically infected the future of the USA and split the colony/nation in an extreme of good and evil; just like the ‘Original sin’ of Adam and Eve.

In the discovery of our corruptions almost 400 years later, begins, the return to unity; beyond our dreams... The Divine Principle states that the coming WW3 will be a war for Unification; not division as in the first two world wars… The third world war is also stated to be about the 3rd Blessing; to have Dominion over all things with a true love for all things.

Money… also represents all things and without it, transfer of goods and services would not be possible.

Money is also only as valuable in as much, as it is TRUSTED; if it is not trusted, it falls in value. Its use becomes more difficult all around and needs are hard to meet. Money is a source of comfort and security that has not been felt by the masses of people on this earth because of selfishness.

As we make it possible for that to be felt by ALL OTHERS, the world can become more secure.

American history shows both Roosevelts, did what had to be done in their day regarding monopolies and insider trading in the stock market, Kennedy and Reagan used tax cuts in their times, but this time the satisfying solution that can bring back the trust and fairness of money can only be done by 1 thing only…

It will start with an Audit of the Federal Reserve.  Most people will then learn the history of how it has been used against our nation and all nations. The world is now saddled with an intergenerational debt of $200 Trillion Dollars World-Wide to the IMF or the Global Federal Reserve System which is without money, to back up its creation of money…at interest?! It is also a private cartel that banks only to Governments, with guaranteed payback through taxation.

This audit of the Federal Reserve starting in the USA will coincide with an exodus, away from moral corruption, greed, and racism that was at the core of our beginnings.

A)- ‘The Money Masters’ by Bill Still – video (2 hours:27m:08s)

B)- On Presidents, who opposed Federal Reserve. video (4m:54s)

President Trump has said he was going to audit The Federal Reserve, after the 2018 election; knowing full well the danger and the reality of past Presidents who dared to do so.

The Jewish people had 400 years under slavery; following Abraham's failure.

America of Pilgrim history will have 400 years of great divides 1620-2020 beginning with an overpowering of the Pilgrims by the Puritans, who usurped the Pilgrim hopes and efforts for a better nation.

Although the divide existed temperamentally on board the Mayflower, it was seventeen years after landing in 1620, in 1637 that greed and racism manifested itself in an illegitimate Puritan war against the Pequot Indians.

The Mayflower was itself a divided boat of 102 people; only 40 of them were Pilgrims; the rest were Puritans and others called strangers. The cultural storm started there, on board ship and it manifest when their own main beam on the Mayflower broke, only to be repaired by the Pilgrims who fortunately had the right tools. Then the Pilgrims prevailed over those ‘other's’, by making them, sign a pledge called the Mayflower Compact. The foundation of American Democracy.

My perspective on this is one that looks at it over the past 400 hundred years. Exactly 400 years ago the Pilgrims were looking for boats to charter. They finally found two boats, the boat called Mayflower and another called Speedwell that had to turn back…split from the start.
The Pilgrims left with many Puritans who were a little different than they. Before reaching the destined coast of Virginia they next went through a severe storm which broke the main lateral beam of the ship, threatening its existence. The storm also moved the ship 700 miles north to landing eventually on what would become called, Plymouth Rock, after spending one-month locating good harbor. Before leaving the ship they signed the ‘Mayflower Compact’ pledging to cast aside their differences and remain united together where God had brought them. The two groups although similar, had differences and they soon developed two separate colonies; Plymouth Rock and Massachusetts Bay Colony. The new ships arriving in America over the years brought many more Puritans; but no other Pilgrims. Seventeen years later in 1637, the Puritans were not happy with the trading between the Pequot Indians and themselves. They thought the Pequot’s acting on behalf of all other tribes were too smart for their own good and cost too much. So, they soon conspired with the Pequot Indian’s adversarial tribes and went to war with them. The Puritans did this for their own economic benefit in trading with the Indians. When the Puritans attacked the Indians they killed every man, woman and child. This shocked their Indian Allies; who only killed the men. Indians by custom and conscience, took in the women and children to live among their own tribe. Racism and greed at that time infected the future of the USA; just like the Original sin of Adam and Eve affected the future of all humankind. The beam was split, the colonists were split, the Plymouth Rock is split, the Liberty Bell was split, the nation was split, the hope of the Pilgrims was postponed for a period to suffer, like after the failure of Abrahams offering. For 400 years our divided nation and its original purpose have suffered in conflicts to do with racism and greed.
The split also appeared in America throughout its History, not only in things like ship beams, Plymouth Rock, in the split of the Liberty Bell, more even more importantly in the political divide between Hamilton and Jefferson, the rabidly opposed two political parties, The Civil War, science and religion; extremes in wealth and poverty, on and on.

All this divide was cemented in place, in the Indian war of 1637; for no other purpose than greed and racism. This divide is released from the USA  as would be the judgment on Abraham and his descendants when he, did not fulfill his offering… by the grace of God, there is release in 2020…separation from evil…an Exodus from the bondage of sin.

The 400th Anniversary of Pilgrims landing 2020, coincides with Vision 2020; it may be looked upon as a time of new beginning. It will be an Exodus out of corruption and into a prosperous, more virtuous future. All this, that is happening is not an accident. It is reinforced by the exemplary, outstanding accomplishment of record and testimony of True Parents work in America for 33 years consistently and even more than that.
True Parents started The Mongolian People’s Federation, giving us a chance to reconcile with those of Mongolian descent that were brutally treated as colonial gains were sought throughout the world.

Quote: “From a biblical perspective, the Mongolian line emerges from Seth, the third son of Adam and Eve, and from Shem, the eldest son of Noah, who had been chosen by God to carry on the providence of salvation for humanity. The eldest son, who is the first fruit of his parents’ love, is responsible to serve his parents, take care of his siblings, preserve the family and carry on the lineage.”

The USA and Australia among others have an important part to play in repairing the broken relationship with the descendants of Mongolian bloodlines. North, South America and Australia, three Continents, many peoples borne of Judeo-Christian History and European Culture are people in need of similar medicines of gratitude and repentance to make all well, with the indigenous people who were not understood for the gifts they could bring to the table.
The Indigenous Nations of the World would need to then forgive, love and unite with the reality, brought about by God’s restorational providence of 4,000 years, to build His Original Kingdom and then accepting this powerful reality, with gratitude and forgiveness.
This is only possible to do if, one looks at the family as the unit of prime importance in God’s Providence.
The sad statement: ‘When the missionaries came, they had the Bible and we had the land. They said 'Let us pray.' We closed our eyes. When we opened them, we had the Bible and they had the land.’
This says a lot but it does not give the full understanding either. There is the providence of the ‘One God’ that has unfolded upon the history of mankind’s belief in many gods. Knowing more of this story can lead to great change.

Even the words ‘Midnight Oil’ remind us of the prayers we should all be making.
The Beds are Burning’-“The Time Has Come” by Midnight Oil.

The Indigenous people generally did not think that they owned this world, as much as they thought of themselves being its caregivers of gratitude; we ‘others’ need to think about this.
Who owns the world?... God! Until that is understood properly; there will always be a few who think they do. They are our past tyrants, dictators, power moguls, and people who are so empty of understanding God’s point of view and those we have suffered from; so often, so much.
Time is moving fast, soon the Age of Robotics is coming and it will be in full swing and following the recent Computer Age…Who Owns these machines?
When there is not work for the many; how is this going to happen, how will they live…God has an answer; it is His plan.

Absolute good spirits come in 2020 to work on the needed changes in a bigger way. The Jubilee Mathematics of 2020 are phenomenal. It is one of the greatest of turning points of all time. Proclaimed by True Mother in 2012 as Vision 2020. “for now, we shall see clearly,”- Corinthians. Decades on, we will see great developments.

In 1996 True Father after getting out of the Hospital prophesized and said that in 50 years, 2/3 of all elected Presidents will be Unification Church(FFWPU) members. True Parents know the last days, as the first days and have shown that the ‘Third Century of America’ will play an important part in building God’s Kingdom. Money and all things can be restored benefiting all mankind in a new time to come. Energy will be free enough to release Hydrogen itself for energy, as True Father spoke of.

The 21st century depends upon a better understanding between these groups and all groups, centered upon the One True God. Let’s pray for  ‘One Family Under God’.

Think about why True Father created The Mongolian Federation for World Peace.
…and listen to ‘Heartbeat ‘ by Beckah Shae. 😊

‘Massacre at Mystic’ May 26th, 1637 (21m:09s)

Robbie Robertson- ‘Ghost Dance’ (Music for Justice)


The summary is about the time periods in terms of Centuries for the USA to Bloom.True Father was pointing out the Hope of America's Third Century Coming . 1-2-3, Origin-Division-Union. If at first you don't succeed , surely by the third. 

1776-1815…1876-1915…1976-2015…and America’s Third Century as elder son of  Cheon-Il-Guk – One World Under God, One Family Under God, our Heavenly Parent.

The Third Century of America is now beginning. True Parents Washington Monument Rally 1976 was like the Declaration of Independence 1776. After 1776 it took great developments to build this nation governmentally and then in 1815 faced the opposition down once and for all with the defeat of Great Britain in the War of 1812. The treaty of Ghent was signed in 1815…40 years later from the outset of the Revolutionary War… Seven years later… the Monroe Doctrine established a firm difference between the New World and the Old World.

When True Father called America to God in 1976, he then developed all the Federations for Peace over the next decades, building and putting them ‘online’ by 2012. From 2012-2016 an incredible, Biblical battle that took place in America for it’s future, just like the war of 1812-2015, but this time for its soul; revealing powerful corruption… Would it remain a nation of corruption like the whore of Babylon or would it hear the call of God to its highest values and understanding? The Hillary /Donald battle was, in that very sense Biblical. It was one or the other.

*Hillary actually surrendered her Presidential campaign on the very platform inside the Grand Ballroom of The Hotel New Yorker, that Reverend Sun Myung Moon spoke from urging members for decades, to understand the time of the providential battle that is taking place. Hillary and her husband former President Bill Clinton highlighted this surrender with a silent resistance by wearing PURPLE. Purple and the rainbow flag are in their minds the representation of human rights they stand for. The battle is still on; even though she lost the election. At no other time in American history, have the losers and those out of office combined to form a government-in-exile as having Obama, Hillary, and Bill, with tacit support from Jimmy Carter and both Bush’s.  

This is the Grand Ballroom stage, inside The New Yorker Hotel made for True Parents to speak from primarily. It is also available for public purposes. This is where Hillary in 2016 from and made her ‘concession ‘speech- accepted ?’ her political defeat.

*BTW - James Redfield author of 'Celestine Prophecy' spoke on this stage of the Grand Ballroom in the Hotel New Yorker in the late '90s with the 'Learning Annex' of New York and he did not know where he was or anything about it being connected to Reverend Sun Myung Moon. The Grand Ballroom was rented to the 'Learning Annex ' for the event of James Redfield's speech. Well into his talk he suddenly stopped, looking around him and the designs on the wall he said; "ladies and gentleman; I am having an experience right now and I have to make note of it to you. The place where I am standing at this moment is the Holiest Ground I have ever walked upon in my life. I don't know where this is but I tell you that this is Holy Ground." Ralph Oppenheimer and myself Douglas Moriarty bear witness to this happening. Unfortunately, it was too much for James to digest the experience; upon finding out the meaning of the designs behind him he turned pale, looked confused and briskly walked away. M Scott Peck and James Redfield inspired many with their introduction to spirituality through their books; let us pray for them to find the meaning of their gifts.

On another occasion – 1974 in Belvedere Estate, Tarrytown, New York where the Unification Church and its members worked with True Parents to call America to do God’s Will.
KEEP THIS ONE GREAT TRUTH IN MIND PLEASE- ‘These members’… were made not from the prepared peoples of the earth. That possibility passed, when Jesus was crucified by the ‘Chosen People, the Scribes and Pharisees’... No, these members were not of such rank in society. For when a failure takes place as in the crucifixion, the cost of returning requires a condition of a greater amount, a greater difficulty, a greater sacrifice than the original. So, if Jesus was left with the lower ranks in followers, the Reverend Sun Myung Moon could not find higher than that; but in fact, it was lower than that, generally speaking. I am aware of many great members, please don’t be offended, but my point illustrates the principle of failed conditions that requires greater conditions to repair. That is the history of restoration.
Slowly but surely people are beginning to see the scope of it all…
In 2016 True Mother said the next four years were 4 years of hope. That is very true from what I am seeing.

According to prophecy True Father had us read often in 1998, by NO LATER than 2024 Cheon Il Guk – Heavenly Parents desired Nation with Blessed Central Families, will be established as a sovereign nation on the earth.

Just like ‘The Monroe Doctrine’ established a firm difference of sovereignty between the New World and the Old World; the coming Cheon Il Guk Nation will establish a firm difference and positive development of goodness between the Ideal World and this World of woes and ignorance.

*This next site gives another 40-year observation of America on the move like never before from 1876-1915 as it was prepared for the 20th Century and it’s 2nd Century.

 “ Chapter One- Moving
Migration and movement, mobility and motion characterized identity in Victorian America. A country in transition was also in transit. Everyone seemed en route: emigrating and immigrating, removing or being removed, resettling and relocating, in many directions--east to west, south to north, rural to urban, urban to suburban. In American slang, "going places" came to mean a geographic as well as a social destination. Movement so touched this American era that it deserves to be treated first in any survey of its everyday life.
An overseas diaspora marked the personal history of a quarter of Americans living in 1915. These "new" immigrants figure prominently in the national image of the period, an age of unprecedented immigration and one immortalized in two national symbols: the Statue of Liberty (1886) and Ellis Island (1892). Immigration entailed both departure and destination. The rupture of traditional everyday life--relocation from familiar surroundings, separation from kinfolk, the experience of becoming a foreigner and ceasing to belong--took a toll that will never be completely knowable.
America also experienced continual internal migration, causing Norwegian novelist, Knut Hamsun, to note, "Everyday is moving day . . . The population is only half-settled."1 Treks westward took every conceivable form: Arizona land runs, Yukon gold rushes, California dreams. Flights out of the South took blacks to northern cities and whites to the Southwest plains. Midwesterners, in a revolt from the village, poured into Milwaukee and Minneapolis, Cleveland and Chicago.
Movement increased on the margin as well as in the mainstream. Vagrants, squatters, and regiments of unemployed workers, took to the roads; some (for instance, Coxey's Army in 1893-94) marched on Washington (figure 1.9) to dramatize their plight. Paradoxically, as homeless, landless, and jobless Americans roamed city streets in the 1890s, other citizens took to traveling about on annual vacations.
Some Americans were moved against their will or prevented from moving. American Indian nations were systematically removed to (usually western) reservations. Nativists, a half million strong in the American Protective Association in 1894, clamored that some foreigners ought to be excluded or restricted in their movements, particularly if they were Orientals, Jews, or Catholics. Jim Crow laws sought to keep blacks in their place.

Immigrants and Emigrants

Arrivals: Europe, Asia, and the Americas
Immigration officials, nativists, and social reformers often turned to statistics to demonstrate the massive influx of newcomers. For example, the U.S. Department of Labor mounted an "electrical diagram" at the 1915 Panama-Pacific Exposition that furnished spectators with extensive data on the "races of alien arrivals; occupations of those persons admitted; causes of exclusion; and arrests and deportations by classes."2 The display noted that before the Civil War, the banner year for new immigrants was 1854, when 427,833 people arrived. A new peak was reached in 1882, when 788,992 entered. However, in the early twentieth century the annual influx passed the million mark six times, and in 1907 the figure rose to 1,285,349.
Many who came after the 1880s were labeled "new immigrants" because they differed from those who previously emigrated largely from northern and western Europe. The outflow of Italians, Greeks, Slovaks, Poles, Russians, Austro-Hungarians, as well as people from the Orient (first the Chinese, then the Japanese and the Filipinos) and from Mexico diversified everyday American life. These new immigrants differed in religious background, for many were Greek Orthodox, Buddhist, or Roman Catholic, entering a basically Protestant society; a large segment were Russian and Polish Jews. The new immigrants spoke numerous languages and were generally poorer and less educated and more differentiated in color and culture than were the earlier immigrants.
In focusing only upon national statistics and ethnic diversity, historians often lose sight of emigrating and immigrating as personal historical acts. Why did individuals or families decide to go or to stay? How did they journey? Did they feel uprooted or transplanted? How did their everyday lives change?
In summarizing the European experience, John Bodnar suggests a combination of factors that prompted people to leave: the commercialization of agriculture, the decline of craft work, changes in landownership patterns, expansion of the population, and major shifts in the financial and market conditions of capitalism. To be sure, the familiar imponderables--wanderlust, adventure, family problems--played their part, but most of those who moved did so because they were "pragmatically adjusting their goals and behavior throughout the nineteenth century to meet the changing economic realities in Europe as well as opportunities in America."
Most emigrant streams Bodnar identifies followed one of two courses. Skilled artisans and independent farmers, threatened by the factory production of cheap goods and by the commercialization of agriculture, left first. Hoping to avoid the "further decline in social and economic status, they usually possessed modest financial resources, left in family units, and were less likely to return." As a pioneer wave, they "exercised leadership and influence in American ethnic communities." A second group, larger in size and poorer in status, "consisted of marginal land owners who hoped to earn enough to return and increase their holdings," the children of such owners, and those with no real property. This second group was comprised more of individuals than of family groupings and, at least initially, their intent often was to come to America to earn money that would allow them to improve their life once they returned to Europe. Whatever their plans, most immigrants set out well prepared for their journeys. Through kinship networks, labor agents, and other intermediaries, as well as emigrants' guides and maps, most had amassed a wealth of detailed information, before departing, concerning exactly where they wanted to go and how to get there.3

Emigrants first journeyed to a major seaport, such as Liverpool, Hamburg, Le Havre, Bremen, or Antwerp. Once they were there, numerous decisions had to be made: which baggage runners, boardinghouse keepers, and provisioners to trust; which border officials, emigration officers, and government bureaucrats to placate; and which tickets, sailing routes, and accommodations to purchase.”

-THEREFORE, the empowerment of the United States with its good and Godly values then came from its immigration policy; at least in it’s relationship with Europe, along with some Chinese. The greater destiny to fulfil took place in 1974 Immigration Act that said America will ‘mirror’ the world in it’s own special differences and embrace, not mostly Europe, but fairly embrace all mankind.


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