Friday, January 25, 2019

INTRODUCTORY FRONT MATTER / overview for resource e:book 'Vision 2020':What it Means to the USA and to the World: Cover, Dedication,, Epigraph, Overview, Table of Contents, Resources, Music List, List of Websites, YouTube, Vimeo & books, Preface, Introduction, Parts 1-7 Prologue, The Unification Movement, * Begin Chapters 1-21, * Addendum

 ‘Vision 2020: What it means to the USA and to the World’
This is a ‘Read and Watch’-YouTube / e-book.

Recently compiled from my letters to friends, observations, thoughts and research made over this past 7-years from March 2011- April 2018 beginning, after returning to Australia, from the amazing Cheon Pyeong Heaven &Earth Training Centre, South Korea.

There is The Mayflower Compact, the American Revolution, the Civil War and Now, The New Pilgrims and The Coming Ideal World!

This is a 'Read and Watch'- You Tube / e:book

By Douglas Moriarty - April, 2018




Globally speaking the world is in a tremendous transition, from a world THAT IS PROFOUNDLY CORRUPT in its history that was built by militant, selfish, ignorant people's... into a world of truth, beauty and goodness of all, for all, by all.  God has promised to do this and people have forgotten, FORSAKEN THE BELIEF that God is good on his promises.

This e:book highlights an important part of this Vision 2020 and how America is going to help make the transition from a confused nation, part good, part bad into a great nation. IN ADDITION TO THAT, THE USA WILL HELP BRING A NEW NATION INTO EXISTENCE CALLED CHEON IL GUK, in service to God and all mankind.

'Vision 2020' seeks to deepen foundation for world peace 

Before starting, please take a moment to think about the glorious- faith, the vision, and hope felt by so many in the nation’s history and listen to:
 ‘The Battle Hymn of the Republic’
Which was for the battle, to keep faith in God; the prize is in seeing,
(Aka) Mine Eyes Have Seen the Glory of the Coming of the LORD’.

Maybe America’s most prophetic song of destiny. More information about the extraordinary woman Julia Ward Howe who wrote the lyrics of this song:

Dedicated to:
  Heavenly Parent, True Parents,
to Mary and Carlos who are the inspiration that moves me forward … ‘our families’ clear wish, is to NOT BE part of the problem, BUT TO BE part of the solution; to end world wars…and help start the ideal world.
Willful Ignorance and falsehoods must be faced and not accepted or ignored. That is why Reverend Sun Myung Moon asked:
“Is it right to believe something that is false and not true”; when He was talking about John the Baptist?
John the Baptist did not understand his appointed mission and responsibility. Reverend Moon has biblically, logically proven this fact; unfolding an enormous understanding about God’s Heart and the Providence of Restoration.
“Is it right to believe something that is false and not true?”...
This question goes for other ‘beliefs’ in science, in religion, in history and in every field of knowledge as well.


Cover:  pg i &ii
Dedication: pg iii
Epigraph: pg iv
Overview: pgv
Resources: pg vii
Music List: pg vii
List of Websites, YouTube, Vimeo & books: pg viii
Preface: pg xiv
Introduction: pg xxiii
Prologue: pg xxvii
The Unification Movement: pg xxvii
Begin Chapters 1-21: pgs 1-168
Addendum: pg 168
Table of Contents:

Chapter  1- ‘Vision 2020’…in terms of numerology.

Chapter  2- The Restoration of All Things.
Chapter  3- The Revolution in Food.
Chapter  4- We are Now Living in a ‘Corporatocracy’.

Chapter  5- What is the Frankfort School?
Chapter  6- A Cold War, then ‘a Hot War Inside the World’s Bedrooms’.
Chapter  7- The Homosexual / Sexualization of the world.
Chapter  8- These children will be honored forever!

Chapter   9- Our Choice; Ownership or Socialism.

Chapter 11- Solving the North / South Korean Divide; internally!

Chapter 12- Do not waste our money! Demand, ‘We the People’.
Chapter 13- Wars and rumors of war…’the silent wars’.
Chapter 14- Let’s find the ‘big picture’ on current events.

Chapter 15- Women and the Abel UN.
Chapter 16- Localized Tribal Messiah/FFWPU Complexes.
Chapter 17- King Sejong and The Internet.
Chapter 18- An Action Plan.

Chapter 19- Be at Peace. Do Not Give Up, Do Not Lose Hope.
Chapter 20- We are at the very beginning…
Chapter 21- 7+7+7=21… The 21st Century is the Age of Spirituality, Holy Marriage Blessing, Education and more than we can now imagine.
*Addendum-100 Scriptures that declare the salvation of all mankind, used by early American Christian Ministers and letters.

The Exposition of the Divine Principle book, the Cheon Seong Gyeong books, memories of True Parents, my personal life’s observations and letters, my comments made on Facebook, YouTube video’s, Google researched sites, ideas in a myriad of books and from travels… living among both, one of the largest populations in New York and one of the smallest populations on King Island, Australia…reminding me, of all the macro and the micro relationships in our lives on earth and our existence in the Universe… the whole Cosmos with God, the Heavenly Parent, the greatest resource of them all.

Music List off YouTube:
*Mine eyes have seen the glory of the coming of the LORD

* ‘Fix You’  by Naturally 7

* ‘Shoulders’ by for King and Country

*’Every Praise’ by Hezekiah Walker

*GRATEFUL: A Love Song to the World’

·        ‘Joy’ by for King & Country

* ‘Ghost Dance’ by Robbie Robertson

* ‘Heartbeat ‘by Beckah Shae.
*‘Africa’ - Angel City Chorale
* ‘I Dreamed A Dream’ -  by Susan Boyle from Les Misérables
* ‘God’s Not Dead’ by Newsboys
*‘Fanfare for the Common Man’
* ‘The Little Drummer Boy’ by for King and Country
*’Amen’ by for King and country.

Illustrative Websites,
YouTube, Vimeo videos & books made available inside e:book:
(All internet sites are subject to change of address from time to time, they can be found again, through Google search.)
*Information about  Julia Ward Howe who wrote the lyrics of ‘Mine Eyes Have Seen the Glory of the Coming of the Lord’.
*1974 Madison Square Garden /SunMyungMoon74/ WWW
*Nikola Tesla- Tesla’s Secret of Intuition. YouTube Video

*What is the Unification Movement?
Who are Rev. Sun Myung Moon and Dr. Hak Ja Han Moon?
Who are the 'True Parents' of Heaven, Earth, and Humankind?

*Women’s Suffrage 1920, 19th Amendment

*Ireland will be free: Celebrations in Melbourne, Australia 1920

*What became of the Mayflower -Paul Harvey   YouTube

* Capt. Paul Chappell: Why Peace is Possible and How We Can Achieve It, Part 1 Brooklyn Peace Fair. You TubeVideo


*True Parents at the Garden. -YouTube Video

*‘The Money Masters’ by Bill Still - YouTube video

*On Presidents, who opposed Federal Reserve. YouTube video

*‘Massacre at Mystic’ May 26th, 1637 YouTube video

* Words on the Mongolian People’s Federation. WWW

*Love Your Enemy’ True Parents Birthday-1980 

* Chef Dan Barber YouTube video

* Veta La Parma; natural, symbiotic & world’s largest fish farm. YouTube video

* Dae Jang Guem is a 64 hour long TV Korean Drama YouTube video

* Documentary on the benefit of Bio-Dynamic farming observed in nature-invented by Rudolf Steiner. YouTube video

* ‘Life on us’  SBS/TV  Part 1, part 2 YouTube

* How to fix leaky gut and reverse chronic illness. Dr. Chris Kressler WWW

* EARTHING: Maintaining Electromagnetic Harmony WWW

*The Speech That Made Donald Trump President

* Coalition for Capital Homesteading WWW

* Salmon Confidential, Documentary About Salmon Farms in Canada WWW

*The Long Island Motor Parkway: The World’s First Highway YouTube
*Eisenhower Interstate Highway YouTube
*Connecting the world. YouTube
*New York Then and Now: 100 years YouTube
*Peace Road 2018 promotion Vimeo

*Prager Homosexuality WWW

* Book: ‘True Family Values’ – Joong Hyun Park, Andrew Wilson WWW

* China eyes Vanuatu military base in plan with global ramifications WWW

* China is building its first overseas military base: Suez Canal  WWW

* Eisenhower warns us of the military industrial complex YouTube

*‘Invisible Wars’ of the Future: E-Bombs, Laser Guns, and Acoustic Weapons. WWW

*"Why in the World are They Spraying?" Documentary YouTube

* Holes In Heaven? HAARP and Advances in Tesla Technology YouTube

*Thorium Summary YouTube

*Trump’s speech to the new World Order YouTube

*President Eisenhauer’s warning speech to America. Transcript-WWW

*Introduction to ‘The Thrive Movement’ The Movie YouTube

*Rosa Koire who founded The Post Sustainability Institute. YouTube

*‘The Fruits of True Love The Life Work Of Reverend Sun Myung Moon’ WWW

* Open Mind Conference 2013 Agenda 21 / United Nations

*Lord Christopher Monckton YouTube

* Hitler’s Scientist-Science, War and the Devil’s Pact by John Cornwell -  book

* Reasons to start WW3; if you are a Globalist. WWW

*Is Marriage hard work or is this more Agenda 21 WWW

*WW3 has already started WWW

*War is a racket by General Smedley Darlington Butler WWW

*Major General Smedley D. Butler Expose Fascist Coup in the US. 1934 YouTube

*The Missing Secrets of Nikola Tesla YouTube

*The Truth behind the energy lie. YouTube

*Free energy- Hydrogen; a machine to die for. YouTube

*Inauguration of the Abel Women's UN, Sun Myung Moon, July 16, 2012 WWW

*New Atlanta Church's Miracle Donation - Tiff and Cliff Gaines WWW

*Sejong The Great You Tube

*Dr. Hak Ja Han Moon, December 15th, 2013, World Leaders Convention,

*’Green Gold’ Top Documentary Films YouTube

*Hon David Clark -The Washington Times North Korea Parliamentarians for Peace.

*True Father Feb. 12, 1961 Old Headquarters Church, Cheong Pa Dong, Seoul, Korea. WWW

*‘Le Desiderata’ WWW

*Laniakea-galaxy supercluster, home to the Milky Way, Solar System, Earth. YouTube

*‘Amazing proof that God exists’-  Christian film YouTube

*‘Has Science discovered God?’ Christian film YouTube

*Feature Video for IAPP 2018 International Conference-Vimeo

*Thomas Cahill - How the Irish Saved Civilization-book

*Johann Gutenberg-Invented the ‘The Printing Press.’ WWW

* FOR EXAMPLE, ‘21 Symptoms of Spiritual Awakening’ WWW
*Diamonds in the Sky

*True Love Exists

For more information about ‘The New Pilgrims’, it can be further looked into in John Godwin’s booklet:

1620the Pilgrims and the New Pilgrims - Mirror of John Godwin's site ... Family Federation For WorldPeace And Unification Official Position Statements ...
Quote John Godwin-    Pilgrims are AbelPuritans are Cain. (Cain and Abel are terms used in The Divine Principle. They refer to the order of birth as significant in understanding how God wanted to heal the brokenness of fallen Adam and Eve’s lineage after the fall., as an expression of being born relatively speaking, one closer to God than another by inheritance of sin from Adam and Eve’s Original Sin. The true unity of Cain and Abel, the restoration of true brotherhood, the true sisterhood has been one of the most important aspects of God’s providence of restoration.)
Quote “The Pilgrims were much more respectful of other's different views, unlike their neighbors, the Puritans who came 10 years after the Pilgrims and based themselves in Boston.  Donovan writes that "The Pilgrims had been Puritans before they left England.  They again became Puritans when their colony was absorbed [70 years later] by the larger body and they lost their identity as a distinct group. But at the time they made their pilgrimage to the New World the Pilgrims were completely separate from the English Puritans, who reviled them and considered them dangerous radicals."
Most people mistakenly think the Pilgrims and Puritans were the same. The Pilgrims (Separatists) and the Puritans were Abel to the Cain Church of England. And the Pilgrims were Abel to the Puritans. The Pilgrims were the true pioneers. They showed extraordinary courage and faith and their story of how they overcame all their obstacles is inspiring. We should emulate them – even go beyond them.”

There are in the above lists, very interesting, inspiring documentary video’s websites, written speeches, and several inspiring songs and music performances in this e: book to look at and read; whenever you have time.
*They appear within the texts, in all chapters and can be

Martin Luther King Jr. made this apt statement: “Our lives begin to end the day we become silent about things that matter.”

With this in mind, I must be free to speak and the same with all of us.

Now I realize, my presentation of the following ideas is, in one sense the making of argument…But for the argument, as in letting my experience, my thoughts be made known; let that not become ‘AN ARGUMENT’…

I, in turn, will listen and I am happy to hear of your experience as well.

I think, this anonymous quote also states the case very well:
“Discussion is always better than argument. Because the argument is to find who is right and discussion is to find what is right.”

If you have questions just e: mail me, I will get back to you!

.Introduction- Parts 1-7:
Part 1-
Introducing thoughts of Rev. Sun Myung Moon
on the The Last Days in order to understand the circumstances and issues of today.
The Bible states that in the Last Days the Lord will come to judge us. Catastrophic upheavals will occur, the sun and moon will fall from the heavens, and the earth will be destroyed. The concept of the Last Days is widespread among religions. In Buddhism, it is called the Age of the Extinction of the Dharma. In Christianity, we call it the Last Days.
Why should there be the Last Days? The world planned by the absolute God must be an absolute world. Once it begins it should last forever. We surmise that it was not God’s original plan to bring the Last Days upon this world. Rather, because evil entered the world as a consequence of the Fall, the Last Days became necessary… God cannot abandon this fallen world. He must restore the world to its original state.
Therefore, the Last Days means one era passes and a new era arrives. If in the Last Days, because of Satan, God were to destroy the sun, the moon and the earth which He Himself created, He would be a God of failure. The sun and the moon are already resentful enough that they must shine upon evil humankind. Theirs would be a miserable fate if God destroyed them in the Last Days…
Actually, the end-times is when humanity will soar upward, after cleansing and renewing the entire course of history and setting up one victorious point as the consummation of human history. The words that promise the coming of the Last Days, are words of blessing. The word “judgment” is not a bad word; it brings good news. The Last Days are the time to dissolve the thousands of years of resentment and sorrow buried so long in the hearts of God’s children. Therefore, the coming of the Day of Judgment is good news. (Way of Unification 1.4.1)
Despite its evil beginning, the world under the sovereignty of Satan must one day be transformed into the world where goodness reigns, where the three great blessings are fulfilled centered on God. The Messiah comes at this time of transformation.
The Last Days is this time when the evil world under satanic sovereignty is transformed into the ideal world under God’s sovereignty. Hell on earth will be transformed into the Kingdom of Heaven on earth. Therefore, it will not be a day of fear when the world will be destroyed by global catastrophes, as many Christians have believed. In fact, it will be a day of joy, when the cherished hope of humankind, the desire of the ages, will be realized. (Exposition of the Divine Principle, Eschatology 3.1)”

Part 2-
There are two Biblical suppers of paramount importance spoken of in Christianity; they are ‘The Last Supper’ that happened two thousand years ago… with not many understanding… and the long-awaited ‘Marriage Supper’ that was in 1960, of the recent 20th century…and not many understood this either.

The Second Coming of Christ has happened;
they did not kill him, this time. He was born of woman…and he did not come from outer space. How shall we know him?...we shall know him by His fruits.

This has been publicly proclaimed since 1994, after the beginning of True Parents: The Completed Testament Era. Exactly 40 years after the founding of ‘The Holy Spirit Association for the Unification of World Christianity’ a period of primary outreach to Christianity.

This has been followed by ‘The Family Federation for World Peace and Unification’ in 1994 which further increases outreach to the Abrahamic faiths and all people’s of the world and the other major religions.

‘The Divine Principle’ is the testimony to the Providence of God; as to how this would happen and did.
Click here to listen, in 35 individual segments:
 Part 3-

…Having said that, let me state I do understand and respect, other’s faith and beliefs. I continue to learn many things from others in my own life and always will thank God… I have also witnessed from too many others, an absolute unwillingness to listen to any new thought.

There is the adage in our recent generations, to never talk about religion or politics… but after living through a century of war and the technology that has come into existence, helping us to land on the Moon, photograph the universe and map Human DNA, then my hope is that you will read on and come to understand how more than just amazing technology has come upon us, even more, amazing spiritual truth has come at the same time.
As scientific advances were hidden from public knowledge; so have amazing spiritual advancements been hidden.
Consider that most of us at some point of our lives have been in places where people freely, openly talk about the speculative subject of ‘Aliens’; either ‘on their way’ or already ‘living amongst us’; from bars to movie cinema’s, the subject is broached enthusiastically…but when it comes to the subject of The Second Coming of Christ; the conversation ends.
This e: book is about realities much more real than Alien speculation. This is a physical and spiritual overview of the many circumstances involved in the ‘Ideological’ Third World War that the Messiah spoke about…How it is now happening. There was no title ‘World War 1’ until 1939 when events happened, that called for it to be named. World War 3 will come to be used in the future, for this time.
The Second Coming of Christ has happened; they did not kill him this time. He came as He first left, SUFFERING; in the body of a new person, with a new name (Rev. 19:12) and the same mission, that was failed by Adam and Eve, ultimately successful in Jesus… but without the restoration of a true woman, as True Daughter of Heavenly Parent, the first True Wife and True Mother in human history. He, the Second Coming, The Messiah is now together with His Wife, absolutely Victorious by establishing the original calling of Adam and Eve to be the Original True Parents of Humankind; eternally.
. (Not yet inserted due to technical difficulty is a drawing /picture.)
They together are the True Parents of Humanity.
True Parents are ‘The Messiah’!

A man and a woman; and now the only begotten daughter of God.

These are my thoughts on the providence of The Second Coming of Christ…America’s most famous Radio host Paul Harvey used to say when announcing his thoughts, observations, and research: “This is the rest of the story”.
So… from my own experience and understanding…I must report ‘this is the rest of the story’ and say America slept through its ‘Anointed Hour’, same as Israel did two thousand years ago.
But the re-awakening comes… starting in 2020!
This e: book brings forth the reasons, why we will soon begin getting, a clearer understanding of it all.

There are great changes in the making.

Part 4-

I would like to share my personal experience and view of Christmas and of its everlasting increase; even if the date is no longer the commonly used December 25th.
I woke up in The World Mission Center (Hotel New Yorker) to attend True Parents-Birthday (January the 6th-Chinese calendar) in the late ’70s and walked through the Lobby of The New Yorker Hotel; on my way to The Manhattan Center, where Reverend Sun Myung Moon was about to speak at 9:00 AM.
Three or four people passed by, entering the building and I greeted them all with Merry Christmas! They just nodded but then one sister was upset that I said that. She just said you should not say that and left in a hmmph .
Later at 9:00 AM True Father, the Reverend Sun Myung Moon began to speak and the very first words out of his mouth were, that when you woke up this morning the first thing you should have said is, Merry Christmas!
Since that time, I also have personally felt, that True Parents Birthday should be celebrated with two Christmas trees and expand the foundation of the season in that way. … The coming of God’s first begotten daughter called for, ‘equal proclamation’ in my thinking.

I feel sad, that the world does not see enough of this celebration at the time of True Parents Birthday, the same date as Jesus’ Birthday, some 2000 years earlier…the sixth day of the first month of each year- Chinese Calendar. This date symbolically represents God’s creation of Adam and Eve on the sixth day (symbolic-not literal time) at the beginning of time.

Why is Christmas on December 25th?
As you look closely at the front-cover picture of this e:book you will notice two Christmas Trees, a table and six chairs, all decorated in ‘pink and green’; the very colors that were chosen to represent the Heavenly Blood Lineage of Man-pink and the Universal color of all things created, represented by Woman-green.
The next page following the cover page is with the song Mine Eyes have seen the Glory’ of the Coming of the Lord. That is when the ‘The Marriage Supper of the Lamb of God’ is to take place.
All this picture takes in the image of the fact, that the Marriage Supper has come and Heavenly Parent, in full character of personality and Heart has indeed dined at this Holy Supper with True Parents, Reverend Sun Myung Moon, and Mrs. Hak Ja Han Moon, together with Jesus and His wife, with other guests at the nearby table. The tables are not set waiting for it to happen yet; indeed, the tables are cleared and the participants are Marching on!
A portrait of President Abraham Lincoln who by God’s Grace helped ‘Save the Union’ in its greatest trial hangs above the fireplace in the State Dining Room, inside The White House.
The song, the painting, the two Christmas Trees for True Parents who share the same birthday of January 6th  with Jesus…finding this picture itself, is more than a ‘Diamond in a coal mine’…indeed it is a miracle.
*Sadly, but not hopelessly, because with God there is always HOPE, here is a review of one of the early talks America ‘heard of’, but ‘did not listen to’: YET!
It happened inside and outside Madison Square Garden, when 40,000 people heard ‘The New Future of World Christianity’ and then went back to their TV sets for news of the day…snoreee.
It is the perfect speech ‘to read’ and share, in a world that lives with little hope; because it cannot understand the fundamentals, of the purpose of religion and God’s restoration providence.

We are an exceptional nation at odds with itself on all fronts and do not understand why that is happening; we watched TV for the past 70 years and never saw the revolution afoot. I’m not talking about the violent revolutions, but the revolution of True Love in the lifetimes of the 20th Century.

*Martin Luther King Jr., castigated by so many until his assassination,
*Reverend Sun Myung Moon / Hak Ja Han Moon - True Parents-met and continue to meet a wall of silence and character assassination,
*Nikola Tesla- Who??? The world’s greatest scientist ever, wanting to make the world better for all humanity.

*On race relations: Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. was assassinated 50 years ago, on April 4, 1968. In his final speech, King offered a message of hope for the future.

"I may not get there with you. But I want you to know tonight, that we, as a people, will get to the Promised Land. And so I'm happy tonight; I'm not worried about anything; I'm not fearing any man. Mine eyes have seen the glory of the coming of the Lord."

*On religion:  Came Reverend Sun Myung Moon. 
“In the shoes of a servant, with the heart of Our Father; let us go forth shedding tears for man, sweat for the earth and blood for Heaven.”

He was falsely imprisoned 6 times, one being inside a North Korean Concentration camp for two years and eight months, left for dead and being beaten two times in other imprisonments; an entire life of suffering and endurance with gratitude to God and no complaint.

How many are there who remember hearing of this? … Decades of news stories saying the same thing. (paraphrased) -'self-anointed messiah, cult leader and major businessman in/ has been/was/ will be jailed, for tax fraud. His cult comes to ...' Steve Hassan an 'in the know' deprogrammer of cult followers...every story for decades basically repeated the same MSM mantra.
The character assassination of the great spiritual leaders of the 20th and 21st Century in America…Only after death and over time, does the world begin to notice and understand…

*On science: Nikola Tesla, a man so ahead of time, it was like he never existed from 1856-1943; his former benefactors made sure no one heard his name for almost 70 years. The internet brought this man’s life works, back from time; hidden and forgotten.

Nikola Tesla- Tesla’s Secret of Intuition. Video (12m:34s)

Famous Quotes:

“The day science begins to study non-physical phenomena, it will make more progress in one decade than in all the previous centuries of its existence.”
“The present is theirs; the future, for which I really worked, is mine.”
“The scientists of today think deeply instead of clearly. One must be sane to think clearly, but one can think deeply and be quite insane.”

Part 6-

‘Vision 2020: What it means to the USA and to the World.’

The name Israel meaning victorious is given to a nation deserving of this name. Jacob was named Israel after defeating and persevering in battle against an Angel of God; which was a test of his character. He was victorious. 

Two thousand years ago one nation was prepared to uphold that name Israel and it failed at the anointed hour. Since the crucifixion of Jesus, several nations were in the position of 'spiritual Israel' as they carried the providence of God forward over the past twenty centuries from the first failure in Israel through Continental Europe, the British Empire and landing in the New World. The USA has this title as well...
Yes the Pilgrims were the remnant that carried the providence of God into North people who had to leave the nations of Europe which were severing heads and 'drawing and quartering' people for not believing as they were told to believe by the church and the state.

For those who have 'ears to hear and eyes to see' means thgat we must use our God given sense of spiritual sense, not just physical sense to understand what is going on.
As we have two eyes to focus with for better eyesight; there are two worlds to focus for better understanding. These two worlds, the physical world, and the spiritual world are coming to alignment in purpose, as we live; now more than ever before.

The Garden of Eden created in the beginning, before the world of mankind and the modern world of technological advancement now unfolding are both external developments at different times, for the same reason. This skyrocketing modern world is coming into place for the people of God’s Original desire. That would be for all of us; eventually, inevitably, undeniably.

I believe when God looks upon us and speaks of us as his people; the people of 1st, 2nd or 3rd Israel he is referring to people, who are called and therefore attempting to sincerely do the will of God; unfortunately this failed, all too often.

In the USA, True Parents declared that America is ‘The Second Israel’, as a Christian nation called to do God’s Will on earth and later proclaimed that the USA is the ‘restored younger brother’ in the ‘elder brother’s position’ on the national level, as Jacob was to Esau... Jacob having accomplished that great turning point of restoration, was then given the name Israel. 

The Elder Nation Blessing, I believe was given because God found in America some people (meaning enough for God to work with) of his heart and that they were given the responsibility to make America truly a nation of God’s desire. 

The other America that imprisoned True Father, tortured the True Children in school, mocked the Unification Church along with the political leaders who failed to listen and did not pardon True Father; they would come to nothing, lose their power and position and eventually be replaced by a growing number of good people who desired to do God’s will.

True Parents called for the alliance of these historical ‘Chosen ‘nations of Israel, USA and Korea which is His homeland and being ‘Third Israel’, all to fulfill their original missions; even after failing to do so, at their anointed ‘hour’.

Now, because of those failures the calling forth of a new realm called ‘Realm of the Forth Adam’, has been made…and it is from the ranks of the entire world’s families that seek to know, understand and follow God; who will now also become the foundation for the New Jerusalem, The New Israel. 

God will become known as ‘Heavenly Parent’.  The One God, first known to Abraham 'is one', as in a father and a mother; invisible, but with the nature of the masculine and feminine heart. We are His Children; one and all.

Over time-  “A generation will come; a generation will go but the Earth will remain forever.” This is how I see change.” It will be as winter turns to spring; one bud at a time!”

It will now be the good people of the world, family by family who will prevail over the people who do not have God in their desire. Sadly, way too many of the fanatics of Christianity who did not see the Second Coming and the Zionists who did not recognize the first coming of Christ and the terrorists of Islam, all religious fanatics are currently in charge of the House and the Banks and everything else, including the nations; but that will change...
FFWPU and the ‘Realm of the fourth Adam’ consisting of religious or Socratically-non-religious, but conscientious 4th Adam in the name of Heavenly Parent, will develop and arise, coming together and proclaiming the teachings of GODISM-Parentism.  
Families from all religions and nations will have their say and when that happens there will come peace, love, goodness and happiness forever. It is a matter of supreme destiny, that Hell will no longer exist on earth or in the spiritual world.

It took Christianity 300 years for it to be recognized on a national level. There is good reason to understand that it may now be only 30 years before this world will begin filling with nations, that will be significantly changed for the better; with much more to be found in later pages of the e:book. The next ten generations will tell a fuller story.

Personal fact, for purpose of clarification: I love Jews; and I reject Zionism. I love Muslims and I reject terrorism. I love oppressed peoples and reject communist governments. I love Christians and I reject false, evil theories like pre-destination and everlasting Hell…
…there is Hell; just not everlasting or like the insane image people are commonly taught. Redemption is a process that takes time… ‘many hands make light work’ is true for salvation as well.
Google: Emanuel Swedenborg; find out more. A great discussion is needed on that matter of Heaven, Earth, and life after death.
Willful Ignorance and falsehoods must be faced and not accepted or ignored. That is why True Father asked: “Is it right to believe something that is false and not true; when he was talking about John the Baptist?” …that goes for other ‘beliefs’ as well and in every field of knowledge.

Part 7-

It is dedicated to the good/restored-Ancestors who sacrificed, made the foundations for God’s Providence and will, in the end, be with us once again; when Heaven and Earth Unite.
‘Fix You’  Naturally 7 - YouTube

‘Fix You’
When you try your best but you don't succeed
When you get what you want but not what you need
When you feel so tired but you can't sleep
Stuck in reverse
When the tears come streaming down your face
When you lose something you can't replace
When you love someone but it goes to waste
Could it be worse?
Lights will guide you home
And ignite your bones
And I will try to fix you
High up above or down below
When you're too in love to let it go
If you never try you'll never know
Just what you're worth
Lights will guide you home
And ignite your bones
And I will try to fix you
Tears stream down your face
When you lose something you cannot replace
Tears stream down your face
And I
Tears stream down your face
I promise you I will learn from all my mistakes
Tears stream down your face
And I
Lights will guide you home
And ignite your bones
And I will try to fix you.

 How ‘Vision 2020’: What it means to the USA and to the World appears,  I turn to Bob Dylan to explain;  using the title of his song 'Slow Train Coming'...  it's point is, it's coming for certain, but has been unexpectedly slow since the days of early Christianity. 
Not because it is God's will for it to be slow, but because the failure of fulfilling our human portion of  responsibility has made it so.

God’s Providence with the Coming True Parents, spoken of in The Divine Principle, is substantially being made known to the world about the human portion of responsibility to become 'as God's,' as co-creators, as sons and daughters of God.

The Divine Principle and The Holy Marriage Blessing…are two manifestations coming to be known, as the knowledge and experience that will bring and guarantee, the coming of the ideal world.

After meeting Reverend Moon face to face and talking with Him, Former President Eisenhower asked Him: “Where were you when I was President?”... The answer to that question is… He suffered, True Parents suffered, Heavenly Parent suffered and the world suffered; that will be understood and sadly, also lovingly made known for all ages to come.

What Reverend Moon wanted to accomplish about 70 years ago while He lived on this Earth is getting ready to finally begin to happen with Him coming from the spiritual world and His wife Hak Ja Han on earth as leader of this Unification Movement.

Korea, will in a few more years be united again and begin the mission, it has been destined to accomplish, since the Crucifixion of Jesus. The experience of a Third World War will come to be understood, as the ‘War for Unification’ fought on every level; mostly ideologically.

Who are 
Rev. Sun Myung Moon and Dr. Hak Ja Han Moon?
Who are the 'True Parents' of Heaven, Earth and Humankind?

…I feel it helps to understand that the media moguls of the ’70s are on public record to have conspired to destroy Reverend Moon and his Unification Church. The CEO of Time Warner at that time openly talked about it in Time magazine.   Every sordid thing, every half-truth, every lie was thrown on ‘our wall ‘and the dirt stuck like glue to us for 50 years
Shunned, disrespected; 50 years of slander, all doors closed on our conversation with the world; even outlawed in Russia, much of Mainland Europe, Great Britain, and Japan. Our numbers dwindled and only a remnant remained, divided among each other as well.
If the media had been doing its job of reporting news and not opinionizing the news, we would have surely had the response of the world and significant leadership from all areas in the past, it would have led to the unification of all Korea quite possibly by 1988 during the Summer Olympics that year in South Korea.
In 2012 Reverend Moon ascended into the Spirit World without unifying this providential nation of Korea. He had expressed earlier in his life, that if he were not able to do so in his lifetime, then the Unification Church would be divided; as the Unification Church solved their divide and re-united, so would North and South Korea. It is our belief, our hope that this will happen in a few years after 2020 because that divide among our own ranks has now happened. Our Unification Church has divided between the founders, the True Parents and some of the children. It is known because everything we do is on YouTube. It is open to the public. All our beliefs and ideas are on the internet. 
In the last 50 years without support or respect of the world, except the ‘rare few’ our movement went on and with too few but with God’s help they built and opened a number of Universities, a number of National Newspapers throughout the world, Magazines, publishing companies, authored books on religions, politics, science even an internet Encyclopaedia called ‘New World Encyclopedia’. The Unification Movement Instituted Forums Worldwide for ongoing discussion on almost all fields attended by Nobel laureates, scholars of all the religions, significant world leaders, Presidents and Parliamentarians, and Scientists; about 90% of all its earnings paid for these past and ongoing discussions. Airlines, Hotels, Stadiums, for talks, bringing together leaders in almost every field for discussion.  This could not have happened with an ideology based on scripture that was not credible. Indeed, it came to be known as unique, authentic and even the last hope by many of those rare few who were humble to listen.
The left-leaning atheistic influences were increasingly more powerful. Even Reverend Moon was publicly stated by the Soviet Union and China to be the #1 enemy of International Communism in the late ’80s, for all he had done to turn the tide back against their plans. Communism is only the shadow of light that is, in fact, coming to this world. It is the dark; before the dawn.
Externally, the Unification teaching believes that the Kingdom of God will be physically established on the Earth by believers, faithful to God not only as individuals, like the saints, not only by families who live for their neighbours and country as good people and patriots, but even by a ‘Chosen Nation’ to do so. This is based on the tenet of Reverend Sun Myung Moon:
 If I live for the sake of my family, my family lives for the sake of society, society lives for the sake of the nation, the nation lives for the sake of the world, the world lives for the sake of the Cosmos, the Cosmos lives for the sake of God and God lives for the sake of the individual… A full circle of living for the sake of all.’ 
In the providence of God, it is His desire to lead a people, who live for the sake of other nations; by their example; and to do so on the national level amidst the International body of nations. They would be carrying the Messianic example to the world to build the Kingdom of God worldwide. That nation will over time Federate with other nations living in the same growing example before the world. The ‘chosen nation of Israel ‘which was to have done that by bringing Jesus to the world, has since the crucifixion been transferred to the 5,000-year-old nation of Korea. (see the parable of the landlord and the tenants in the vineyard.) Both nations of Israel and Korea were established at the same time by the United Nations, both have flags geometrically pointing to the ‘Mathematics of God’s Creation ‘by using The Star of David and the Ying/Yang Taoist symbol of complementarity. The movement’s responsibility is to establish the Chosen nation.
To bring such a nation into existence, the unification movement has begun the nation-building process even without having the sovereign land. To start the process of building a God centered nation, the Constitution and government planning is available to see on the internet.
The substantial physical development of the Unification Movements passes a large number of nations organizational and economic presence. This so far includes an economic foundation, that it is funded with through its profits; including manufacture of Automobiles, Large Ocean-going ships, Sikorsky-Helicopters and Aero-space industries, CEO/Business size Plane manufacture, Mining and a complex of buildings and stadiums, Hospitals, Housing, in a new city in South Korea, called Cheong Pyeong.  Alongside these major things inside Korea, can be added the efforts to establish the presence in every other nation with Peace Embassies of our Unification Movement, businesses of every kind; especially Oceanic enterprises such as Marina’s and fish processing plants and restaurants; along with other unique developments throughout the world.
Considering the work is less than 50 years old in its Global Outreach since 1971 alone and has survived the abuse, having little helpful support of so many others; it is a miracle of God, that it can be said to be prospering in a chaotic world. 
Now only Russia and China do not allow our presence in their nation at this time…but they took up our proposal for an International Highway linking the great land masses of the planet at the Bering Strait between Russia and Alaska, USA… We have substantial NGO status in the United Nations through several NGO Peace Organizations and our proposal for renewing the United Nations has the most attention as a real game-changer in the hope of building world peace. …This e:book looks into many political and technological matters involving the need for new leadership, new thinking, new understanding and the re-development of the United Nations.
Our membership is not a substantial amount in numbers, but growing as families; while upholding the will of God in bringing a generation into existence that is purer, more mindful and more sacrificial than what anyone could ever believe to be done in a world gone mad.
I offer this recent video… as just one example of dealing with ugly problems. This is the matter of exploding internet porn and how the Unification Movement has from its own ranks brought forth efforts, to turn the situation around for the sake of the world.

It is called ‘High Noon.’

Having said this, please do not feel we have a need of you leaving your faith and joining ours. We would welcome that for sure, but the differences are not as great as you may imagine. If you have ever worked with others different than yourself, then we can work together; no doubt.
Our dream is that the wall of fear, ignorance, intolerance, and hatred about our experienced-faith be torn down and we would be recognized as human, as sincere and very well-intentioned. We know we are your friends already… We are at the very least, children of a divided Abrahamic family.
In generations, it will be clear, that these discussions made the difference, in building a better world. All of our discussions will be part of the solution.

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