'Vision 2020':
What it Means to the USA and to the World
Chapter 1- ‘Vision 2020’ …in terms of numerology.
If numbers, names, dates, and places turned you off history, I am sorry
for us all, that it happens all too often. Just remember the ‘meme’ “Those Who Cannot Learn
from History Are Doomed to Repeat it”-George Santayana. This opening chapter chronicles many dates and periods of time,
that will become more fully appreciated as the e:book
progresses; I promise.
I remember coming home from Cheong Pyeong, South Korea in April 2011 to Australia and finding arguments brewing among members at that time on the internet. Cheong Pyeong was ridiculed by a few members and I felt concern about our failure to win an ideological war with this disunity.
The likelihood of war loomed in my concern and it was strange because almost nowhere in the world was anyone thinking about WW3 as the Divine Principle talks about.
In the last 5 years, I surprisingly have turned from ‘quiet despair to great hope’ that is on strong
principle, observation and remembering True Father’s insights on our course of
life involving the number 7.
Now the world talks about the
possibility of WW3 being any day now and I am feeling aware of a building
toward peace.
I observe a great ‘Turning Point’ coming, a ‘Tipping Point’. Here in this first chapter are the numerical indications or reasons I feel hope.
Vision 2020: What is involved?
Restoration using the number 7 is everywhere!
(2019 UN Update: There are now 7.7 Billion people living on the earth.)
Numbers and patterns are indicating hope for a better world in the near future. In 4 years we will be celebrating several milestone events involving numerical time periods;.
*100 years: 1919, March 1st
Movement – by Yoon Gwan Soon; a condition for True Father’s Birth.
*100 years: 1920, Sun Myung Moon-True Father was born, a 100-year memorial for True Father’s life in 2020.
*100 years: After the enactment
of women’s rights in the USA in 1920, August 26, through the 19th Amendment to the Constitution.
*100 years: Since Ireland is freed from Britain ( not completed
; geographically its one people, one island.) in 1920.
* 77th Birthday of Hak Ja Han Moon-True Mother, born in 1943.
* 70 yrs. since the beginning of
the Korean War.
* 70 yrs. - True Father’s
Liberation from North Korean concentration camp in 2020.
* 70 yrs. of age, is the
‘average’ age of 1st generation in the USA in 2020.
* 60 years since True Parents
Holy Blessing in 2020.
* 21 yrs. since the surrender of Satan; the beginning, of the end
of hell itself.
* 7 full years since True
Father’s Ascension.
* 7 years since True Mother
announcing her first campaign called Vision 2020.
*7 years since Foundation Day for
Establishment of a Holy Nation – Cheon Il Guk, living for the sake of other nations’.
*40th Anniversary of
the founding of ‘Ocean Church’ in 1980 in recognition of 70% of the Earth’s
surface, which will be used to feed the World, by working with nature; not
against nature.
*400 yrs.- 1620-2020, Happy
Thanksgiving America!
Vision 2020: What is
involved? Will there be enough condition to end the Korean divide and the
suffering in Korea; allowing that nation to come more in line with God’s hope?
We do not know the
future; but there is good reason to
believe that it can happen, based on what True Father has already spoken of.
# 1-Two areas of one Kingdom are at work;
True Father and Holy Spirit World
and True Mother and The Holy Unification Church. A little bit like ‘Return of
the King’ in the Hobbit Trilogy where with the massive help of the Spiritual
People who had been liberated together with those on earth were able to
vanquish the powerful evil army on the earth.
#2-True Father built a
path for True Mothers Victory
…and he has been preparing
the spirit world for that to be so. His last public pronouncement on Earth was
about the Women’s Abel United Nations. For several years now there has been increased conflict over the providence of
woman’s leadership and this has been a heavy burden. This is a reflection of
historic failures over the rights and value of w2omen in God’s Providence. True
Mother and our FFWPU membership have suffered a real attack from within our own
‘church family’.
There is a good reason to believe God has let this happen to
us, to make an offering of indemnity, as a condition of lesser indemnity;
instead of having the world fight this out with nuclear warheads. I think this
struggle is putting a hold on a meltdown into nuclear conflict at the very
#3- Then there are a good number of restoration time periods involved:
* 100 years1905-2005, in this case-1905 ‘Korea’ was Teddy Roosevelt’s ‘carrot’, given to the Japanese by his turning a ‘blind eye’ if they ended the 1905 War with Russia. Japanese annexation of Korea began that year. The sacrificial offering of Korea needed to separate it and the world from satanic domination had begun.
Teddy Roosevelt got a Noble Peace
Prize in 1905 for ending a war; but he did this all, actually to safeguard the
Philippines. Control of lands as far as the Philippines was a demonstration of the ‘Manifest Destiny’ of the
USA as a New World, a democratic, Protestant
Christian nation; after leading America into and then winning the Spanish
American War in 1898; ending the 400
years of the Catholic Spanish Empire.
That ended a 400-year period of
conflict between Catholic and Protestant Nations with the USA as a Protestant
Nation defeating the originating Catholic Spanish Empire that set out to
conquer the world. Teddy a staunch Protestant would not tolerate such a situation
and let the Papists rule the world.
In this case, there is a 100-year period that is significant, because of the following:
*100 years later in 2005 while the world witnessed the Inauguration of The Universal Peace Federation, many laughed at the UPF founder Reverend Sun Myung Moon, but the Senator, Ambassador of the Philippines Hon. Jose C. de Venecia, Jr. Former Speaker, House of Representatives of the Republic of the Philippines took the stage at the United Nations and proclaimed the vision of UPF, ‘The Universal Peace Federation’.
He stated, “The most important
work of UPF to begin with, is to solve the divide of Korea”.
The world diplomatic community
was shocked and more…it began to consider this new idea… Through True Father’s
long-term efforts to establish both I.C.U.S. and the Abel UN/UPF, True Father
creates the ideal of scientific and religious leaders
to improve the world; carried along by the co-operation of world politicians,
to make ideas known. Religion and Science working together was how in 1894 at the World Parliament of Religions both
Nikola Tesla and Swami Vivekananda were proposing ideas, to make dialogue and
improve the world, morally and scientifically with improved technology. All
this represents the God-given solution to
conflicts in the world, with religion and science in an alliance.
#4- Happy Thanksgiving America! - 2020!- 1620-2020 – 400 years.
As we understand Cain and Abel,
as we understand Ishmael and Isaac, we need to understand the unique Cain/Abel
aspects of the difference in motivation between the Pilgrim separatists and the
Calvinistic Puritans- who only wanted to reform the church and felt they were
predestined in salvation, from the beginning of time.
*400 years: 1620 – 2020 The Mayflower Compact was signed on board the Mayflower after a great storm which resulted in a split in the main timber of that ship while it was also blown off course from heading to Virginia all the way to Massachusetts. The Pilgrims (Separatists) and the Puritan (Calvinist) came to a disagreement over where to stay after landing.
The Mayflower Compact was written
by the Pilgrims in charge of the charter boat. All then agreed and pledged to
remain together and live by Separatist thinking under Pilgrim leadership…
Less than 20 years later, after
only more Puritans arrived the Pilgrim Congregational style of worship was
forsaken as was their idea of ‘Thanksgiving’ for almost another 140 years.
We are now coming up to 400 years
from that time and now we need to become as were the ‘original Pilgrims’.
Reverend Sun Myung Moon spoke often of the Original Pilgrims and that we should
see ourselves in that light.
The famous American Radio broadcaster Paul
Harvey has an amazing story on this storm and the Mayflower.
#5- Crisis’s pushing us out of our comfort zone.
The Chinese cycle of 60 years in a person’s life is what most of us think of, when we think of cycles at all. But it is a whole timetable involving thousands of years made up of 60-year cycles.
“The present Chinese 60-year
cycle started in 1984 ( Same time as Steve
Jobs and Bill Gates, introduced their PCs) – the year which George Orwell foresaw as a
new world; but dominated by what he
believed, to be the dark forces of information technology, in an age of
fearsome new weaponry – and that cycle will end in 2044.”
Well, there has been much good
that has come from this cycle; but the fearsome new weaponry is here also and
it fulfills the part in the Bible where
it is said: “there will be wars and rumors of wars”.
In the past, wars were fought
that all could see; but now they are in cyberspace or Wall Street, in weaponry
using silent methods to kill with sound frequency, weather manipulation or
environmental toxification; along with more, than these mentioned.
The ‘dark forces of information
technology’ have invaded the homes of young and old with pornography and are speeding up the destruction of the soul
through the pollution of excessive, erotic sexual influences leading to sex
addictions and the destruction of our potential to live together peacefully
with love, respect and in happiness.
#6- A prophecy of great hope and accomplishment.
In 1996 Reverend Moon said that… “in 50 years 2/3 of the nations of the
world, will be led by Presidents who are members of the Unification Church.”
That would be 2046, two years into then, the next cycle.
It may be that having such
weapons hanging over our heads may finally lead us to better thinking. They say
everything can work towards the greater good; even every crisis as long as we
don’t give in to fear, panic or despair. Personally, I always remember in ‘Star
Wars’ what Obi Wan Kenobi said to Luke “do not give in to anger, hatred, fear or
depression; may the force be with you!”
#7- True Father taught us about the 70 year period of indemnity.
It is considered a time period of ‘Judgement’, the
70 year cycle is to do more with something, that in after a 70 year period of
time arrives with a new beginning or restoration from something not wanted, a
graduation out of or a stage outgrown; like childhood, the pre-teens and early
teens and finally the last 7 years maturing period for adulthood expected to be
reached at 21.
In 1979 when I was 28 when I heard True Father say, from the stage of the Grand Ballroom, in The Hotel New Yorker: “go home and plead with your brothers and sisters to please make effort to understand what you are doing; that indeed your life depends upon their help. Some of you without their help in your life will become crazy and many here today will not see change in your life until you are 70. It will take that long. You need the help of your family that can support you.”
Well, I went home and did just that and all I got was “I am glad you are happy; that is all we want for you …and no I have no interest to read or learn about your church and its teachings.That is something that has made you happy and it is not anything I would ever find as interesting as you do. So, let’s just be happy that we love each other”.
In 1979 when I was 28 when I heard True Father say, from the stage of the Grand Ballroom, in The Hotel New Yorker: “go home and plead with your brothers and sisters to please make effort to understand what you are doing; that indeed your life depends upon their help. Some of you without their help in your life will become crazy and many here today will not see change in your life until you are 70. It will take that long. You need the help of your family that can support you.”
Well, I went home and did just that and all I got was “I am glad you are happy; that is all we want for you …and no I have no interest to read or learn about your church and its teachings.That is something that has made you happy and it is not anything I would ever find as interesting as you do. So, let’s just be happy that we love each other”.
My other brother Tommy left our
older brother Bobby’s house the next day, very angry at me and I was asleep,
but I was having a dream that he was going to call me. Then the phone rang and
it was him. He apologized, for being angry with me. He was too upset to say
goodbye. He said he was an Atheist and what I proposed, was denying him and his
life decision, about there being no God, that it lacked any respect.
He could not believe I do not
understand that there is no God. But he apologized for being angry and wanted
to tell me he loves me, even if I am crazy. HAHA…
#8- The 70 years since the Korean People were divided
…was 1945-2015; the 5-year
meltdown is ongoing at this time.
I was born in 1950 and it is the ‘mean average’ of the majority of members who joined at that time to be 70 years old in 2020. This is for me a turning point in the life of our movement and I feel that it is under-acknowledged by a great number of people who have become a little pessimistic.
What it means to me is that an indemnity period, a period of judgment of 70 years of transformation of our life on this earth is finished.
I was born in 1950 and it is the ‘mean average’ of the majority of members who joined at that time to be 70 years old in 2020. This is for me a turning point in the life of our movement and I feel that it is under-acknowledged by a great number of people who have become a little pessimistic.
What it means to me is that an indemnity period, a period of judgment of 70 years of transformation of our life on this earth is finished.
70 years is a Biblical Time that for providential reasons comes
and creates a painful challenge, by an absence of the presence of God in a
relative manner of understanding, for a period of time, due to a failure to fulfill an understanding with God, of rightful behavior.
In Korea 1945, several large groups of people passionately searching in numbers of two Hundred thousand each were all unable to understand the will of God immediately after WW2. They were in search of The Second Coming of Christ and failed to fulfill their portion of responsibility.
Atheistic Communist Dynasty took root in North Korea almost exactly 70 years ago to this month and ends with this Summit in Singapore, June 12th 2018.
The cold war met a significant end, with the demise of the Soviet Union in 1991. The more complete end will be the full demise of Atheistic Communism, Marxist economic socialism, gulags, brainwashing, and destruction of individual rights and family rights.
North Korea 1948 and also China 1949 formed. The doors of the world will be opened to them in a way not imaginable over the past 70 years. The process began yesterday will step by step lead to the freedom of these people’s.
What will come from that will be one of the greatest miracles in all history. The creation of a Divine Nation and a New Jerusalem, not in Israel, not in the Middle East, but in Korea, in the Far East.
The world’s leadership for the past 70 years has been in tragic ways a failure. Realms of leadership in religion, politics, academia, business, media, and entertainment have failed to build a good culture even with a massive increase in technology and money. Racism, greed, unbridled arrogance, militant ignorance and yes even gossip in the communities of the world worked its dark magic and created a ‘hellish’ world of contradictions.
The Unification of Korea represents the passing of these world-wide failures as well as the change within the borders of Korea itself.
How interesting it is, that God had to turn to Donald Trump a businessman-builder and Dennis Rodman a basketball player to show up the failures of this past failed, manipulated leadership that have created Corporatocracies out of Democracy, Dictatorships out of Monarchies and world-wide three-generational debt to the International Monetary Fund of 200 Trillion Dollars; enslaving the children of the world yet to be born.
In Korea 1945, several large groups of people passionately searching in numbers of two Hundred thousand each were all unable to understand the will of God immediately after WW2. They were in search of The Second Coming of Christ and failed to fulfill their portion of responsibility.
Atheistic Communist Dynasty took root in North Korea almost exactly 70 years ago to this month and ends with this Summit in Singapore, June 12th 2018.
The cold war met a significant end, with the demise of the Soviet Union in 1991. The more complete end will be the full demise of Atheistic Communism, Marxist economic socialism, gulags, brainwashing, and destruction of individual rights and family rights.
North Korea 1948 and also China 1949 formed. The doors of the world will be opened to them in a way not imaginable over the past 70 years. The process began yesterday will step by step lead to the freedom of these people’s.
What will come from that will be one of the greatest miracles in all history. The creation of a Divine Nation and a New Jerusalem, not in Israel, not in the Middle East, but in Korea, in the Far East.
The world’s leadership for the past 70 years has been in tragic ways a failure. Realms of leadership in religion, politics, academia, business, media, and entertainment have failed to build a good culture even with a massive increase in technology and money. Racism, greed, unbridled arrogance, militant ignorance and yes even gossip in the communities of the world worked its dark magic and created a ‘hellish’ world of contradictions.
The Unification of Korea represents the passing of these world-wide failures as well as the change within the borders of Korea itself.
How interesting it is, that God had to turn to Donald Trump a businessman-builder and Dennis Rodman a basketball player to show up the failures of this past failed, manipulated leadership that have created Corporatocracies out of Democracy, Dictatorships out of Monarchies and world-wide three-generational debt to the International Monetary Fund of 200 Trillion Dollars; enslaving the children of the world yet to be born.
#9-The 7 years from True Father’s Ascension and 2020
…is unfolding to be the most
hostile, difficult and potentially dangerous period of conflict the world has
ever known since WW2.
Since 2012 they say the greatest transformations involving WW3 have begun. No one was talking about WW3 in 2011 except a few; now it is in almost every newspaper daily. Many do not believe it is a given that war will manifest militarily, but the tension is there. We can rise to the occasion or not overcome this possibility. It looks bleak if you are just watching the news. If you look for what good others are doing the picture improves a lot. There are many good people in the world and although they may be smaller in number they hold the key to what happens. We are their catalyzing agent.
If I had time to share my testimony on how I joined the Unification Church you would understand why these ideas mean so much to me. But one of the things that I learned about my own personal story since finding True Father is that I was named after Douglas MacArthur in 1950. No one ever told me that until after I joined the Church and I used the name Paul which is my middle name. The Catholic Church insisted I have a ‘Christian’ name. It got confusing; long story. But Douglas means ‘dark glass’ and is meant to be a reference to the Biblical phrase “For now we see through a glass, darkly; but then face to face: now I know in part; but then shall I know even as also I am known.” Douglas means not seeing clearly, in the dark but with the hope of doing so. Live to see better days. There is light at the end of the tunnel; hold on! That is what General MacArthur must have felt while in battle, hoping for better days to come. General Mac Arthur known of and famous in war is also noted by a growing number of admirers for his desire for peace. Out of darkness seeking the light.
General Douglas MacArthur (born 1880-1964) He was 70 years old when in his greatest military moment, he led the United Nations Forces to Inchon and Victory in Korea. Facing a million Chinese Communist soldiers, the decision not to use Nuclear weapons against the enemy was made. Although he had regained the entire Korean Peninsula; ending the 5-year Korean divide since 1945 agreed to in the Yalta agreement between, Roosevelt, Churchill, and Stalin.
Since 2012 they say the greatest transformations involving WW3 have begun. No one was talking about WW3 in 2011 except a few; now it is in almost every newspaper daily. Many do not believe it is a given that war will manifest militarily, but the tension is there. We can rise to the occasion or not overcome this possibility. It looks bleak if you are just watching the news. If you look for what good others are doing the picture improves a lot. There are many good people in the world and although they may be smaller in number they hold the key to what happens. We are their catalyzing agent.
If I had time to share my testimony on how I joined the Unification Church you would understand why these ideas mean so much to me. But one of the things that I learned about my own personal story since finding True Father is that I was named after Douglas MacArthur in 1950. No one ever told me that until after I joined the Church and I used the name Paul which is my middle name. The Catholic Church insisted I have a ‘Christian’ name. It got confusing; long story. But Douglas means ‘dark glass’ and is meant to be a reference to the Biblical phrase “For now we see through a glass, darkly; but then face to face: now I know in part; but then shall I know even as also I am known.” Douglas means not seeing clearly, in the dark but with the hope of doing so. Live to see better days. There is light at the end of the tunnel; hold on! That is what General MacArthur must have felt while in battle, hoping for better days to come. General Mac Arthur known of and famous in war is also noted by a growing number of admirers for his desire for peace. Out of darkness seeking the light.
General Douglas MacArthur (born 1880-1964) He was 70 years old when in his greatest military moment, he led the United Nations Forces to Inchon and Victory in Korea. Facing a million Chinese Communist soldiers, the decision not to use Nuclear weapons against the enemy was made. Although he had regained the entire Korean Peninsula; ending the 5-year Korean divide since 1945 agreed to in the Yalta agreement between, Roosevelt, Churchill, and Stalin.
Soon much of that Victory was
lost and the whole world has suffered in turmoil ever since. How many millions
died is more than anyone can imagine, if all the tragedy of modern history with
drugs and suicide is added to the count.
The Korean War started 70 years ago by counting to the year 2020 and we may live to see the day of this divide coming to an end; as we have already lived to see the Soviet flag come down over the Kremlin in 1991 on Christmas Day. This 70-year period is so significant. True Father predicted in 1976 that International Communism would end in 10-15 years. Gorbachev came to power in 1986 and the Soviet Flag fell in 1991; exactly fulfilling the 10-15-year prophecy. This was based on 1917-1986 a 70-year period that God allowed to defeat Cain like thinking on the world level. The next level to collapse will be the national level. That means China founded 1949 as it now is will change soon and North Korea founded in 1948 will also fall.
The Korean War started 70 years ago by counting to the year 2020 and we may live to see the day of this divide coming to an end; as we have already lived to see the Soviet flag come down over the Kremlin in 1991 on Christmas Day. This 70-year period is so significant. True Father predicted in 1976 that International Communism would end in 10-15 years. Gorbachev came to power in 1986 and the Soviet Flag fell in 1991; exactly fulfilling the 10-15-year prophecy. This was based on 1917-1986 a 70-year period that God allowed to defeat Cain like thinking on the world level. The next level to collapse will be the national level. That means China founded 1949 as it now is will change soon and North Korea founded in 1948 will also fall.
#10- Blessed are the Peacemakers.
The greatest thing about Douglas MacArthur is not his war efforts; but in his efforts to win the peace, build the peace and maintain the peace.
His writings are the center of study on building peace at West Point Military Academy.
Paul Chappelle a Korean-American
graduated from there and is one of General MacArthur’s greatest admirers and
also the founder of an important movement
called ‘How to wage peace.’
Capt. Paul Chappell: Why Peace is
Possible and How We Can Achieve It, Part 1 Brooklyn Peace Fair. Video (28m:28s)
A small note on this Korean – American:
“While serving on active duty in Bagdad, US Army Captain Paul K. Chappell wrote two books about peace, Will War Ever End? A Soldier’s Vision of Peace for the 21st Century and The End of War: How Waging Peace Can Save Humanity, Our Planet, and Our Future. Based on his experience and research, Chappell believes that peace activists need to be as highly trained in the art of peace as soldiers are trained to fight wars…this BTW is what True Mother has been doing since the ascension of Reverend Sun Myung Moon; putting everything into the education of the next generations to build world peace. One Family Under God. Does Paul Chappell understand anything of this? Not yet! But I have hope he will learn, as will this world.
Until then we can see he is one
of those running in the right direction. After six years of service, he left
the Army and became the Peace Leadership Director for the Nuclear Age Peace
Foundation, helping to train youth leaders to wage peace. Paul Chappell travels
across the country, speaking at high schools, colleges, places of worship,
veteran’s groups and activist organizations, and has written two additional
books, Peaceful Revolution and The Art of Waging Peace.”
Another story of a ‘Peace
Warrior’ is even much greater; that is the story of Private Desmond Doss. Born
in the year 1919 as Yoon Gwan Soon was starting the Korean March 1st,
Korean Independence Movement this young American was born. As the fruit of
Christianity, from the Church of The Seventh Day Adventist who sought since
America’s founding, to SEE the Second Coming of Christ he was of age to fight
in WW2. He was a ‘Conscientious CONTRIBUTOR.’ While refusing to even touch a
gun in the midst of battles he personally carried to safety, at least 75 men
while serving as a Medical Serviceman. The most gallant,
brave story of anyone to win the Congressional Medal of Honour in Military
history. It was a life-prayer of action from a Christian-American for world
peace, made as the Divine Principle was being discovered by the Lord of The
Second Advent, Reverend Sun Myung Moon. Reverend Moon would continue on from
the aftermath of world war two to be beaten, left for dead two times, sent to a
North Korean Concentration Camp for two years and eight months, imprisoned six
times by four different nations and ridiculed on the world stage as a heretic
for the remainder of His life; all the while building the Unification Movement,
that now has been planted in most nations of the world as a source of great
inspiration, wisdom, and hope of building
the Ideal World. They are months apart in age, but not worlds apart in the will, to do what is right before God.
#11- ‘Love is indeed, the weapon of
the future’.
1 Corinthians 13, verses 4-8, and
13: "Love is patient, love is kind. It does not envy, it does not boast,
it is not proud. It is not rude, it is not self-seeking, it is not easily
angered, it keeps no record of wrongs. Love does not delight in evil but rejoices
with the truth. It always protects, always trusts, always hopes, always perseveres. Love never fails. But
where there are prophecies, they will cease; where there are tongues, they will
be stilled; where there is knowledge, it will pass away. ...And now these three
remain Faith, Hope, and Love. But the
greatest of these is Love."
True Mother’s leadership is this
kind of love. The ‘living crucifixion’ that She has endured over the last
several years and the dignity with which She carried out True Parents mission
and the clarity of purpose in proposing many initiatives along with the Vision
2020 is a living testimony to a life of absolute love. We are being led by the
‘first begotten daughter of God on Earth’ with True Father in the Heavens of the
spirit world and physical world; in her
very presence. For this, we can be filled
with awe and gratitude and Heavenly pride. We are witnessing the most momentous
time in all history; the full liberation of all mankind, men, and women, past, present and future.
The following words
are from ‘The Letter From God’, Page 290 Messages from the Spirit World in
Pyeong Hwa Hoon Gyeong.
“Despite the people of the world not yet fully understanding the position of True Parents, because the position should be fulfilled internally, I, the God of all people, invite the True Parents to the position of King of Kings.
Because the True Parents have, in my place, endured countless difficult paths, I now want to bestow upon you all of the gratitude, inspiration, excitement, and joy that I have been feeling. I want you to inherit all that is mine.
My beloved True Parents! I have wanted to express my heart to you for a long time, but I have not had such an opportunity. However, now this daughter of mine has looked into my heart. This has allowed this time to come to pass, and I would like to express to you my gratitude.
True Parents! My beloved True Parents! I want to hold you in my bosom and not let you go! It is a waste for me to walk the floor with my two legs. I want to hold you all night and talk to you!
I, the God of all people, have faith. I believe in True Parents. I know and remember all of the difficulties, pain, and suffering that you have had to endure. I have seen it all. It was all my responsibility, yet you endured and raised a victorious standard. How can I ever forget you? I am grateful.
I am so happy because of you. Truly, I thank you for your hard work.
My beloved True Parents, victory to you! Victory to the King of Kings, True Parents!
I, God of all people, sincerely convey this to my beloved True Parents.
Midnight, December 28, 2001”
*Mrs. Ha Jah Han Moon
made the speech
Starts With Me'
recently in 2016,
Madison Square Garden in New York…
Dr. Hak Ja Han Moon, the acclaimed PEACE MOTHER and founder of UPF, offered a powerful
message of hope and peace at the Peace Starts With Me Cultural Festival, featuring an inter-denominational 2,000-voice
choir. Numerous U.S. church choirs, gathered from across the nation,
during a high-voltage Cultural
Music Festival.
Parents at The Garden (Madison Square Garden)
Prominent Christian ministers came to the stage to prize her great efforts and contribution for moving God's providence and saving all God's children; embracing all religions, cultures, races and nations. In 1982, Dr. Moon and her late husband, Rev. Dr. Sun Myung Moon, founders of the Family Federation for World Peace and Unification, officiated a Marriage Blessing Ceremony for 2,075 couples at Madison Square Garden. In 1992, Dr. Moon established the Women's Federation for World Peace, an organization that encourages women to promote peace in their communities and the society-at-large, within 143 countries. The family is central to Dr. Moon’s philosophy of peace:
“If a
family is not centered on God's ideal of love, there will be conflict among the
members of that family. Without God's love as an absolute center, such a family
will ultimately break down. A nation of such families will also decline,” Dr. Moon, The importance of
the family.
Notes from True Mother's
"God's hope was for Adam and Eve to have absolute love... become true parents of humanity. Yet, due to their selfishness, they failed."
God toiled for thousands of years to send the savior, Messiah - Jesus Christ. However, what happened to Jesus? He was male, he needed to meet a woman. Marie in the family of Zachariah needed to help him marry. But they failed to help him. However, he couldn't create a true family as people rejected him. So, he was crucified but promised to return and hold the Holy Wedding of the Lamb.
Through the Atlantic civilization, Christianity expanded throughout the world. However, Christians did not understand the true providence of God. Thus, steps were made against the providence of God. The Atlantic civilization flourished centered on materialism. Today Western civilization is an offshoot of this Atlantic civilization.
Heaven has raised America to prepare to welcome the returning Messiah. For him, an Only Begotten Daughter had to be born. Heaven worked in Asia, choosing the Korean people, centered on the Christian foundation in 1943 the only begotten daughter was born. She needed a period of Growth. Heaven could not allow her to live in a dangerous area.
Heaven mobilized 16 nations to defend South Korea. In 1960 finally, True Parents appeared before humanity. However, the Christian realm could not embrace the True Parents. Christianity started declining. True Parents came to heal America. Many righteous young men came to follow True Parents. Authorities were scared of his growing power and decided to kick the Messiah out, sending him to prison. Meanwhile, serious problems were crippling this nation. Communism was endangering the world.
America had to be saved for the world to be Saved. True Father gathered famous academics and proclaimed the end of Communism. Five years later this happened. Family Federation was working throughout the world giving the blessing to more than 400 million couples, to establish God's Ideal. One world under God can be realized. That day is not far away.
You should unite as one and bring about the revolution centering on the Culture of Heart and expand the Blessed families throughout the world. The young people will be educated and become the light of the world. We must create that environment. True freedom, peace, equality, and happiness - a world of peace will dawn if you practice true love and live for the sake of others” …
“Unite with me and let us shine brightly in all dark places.”
"God's hope was for Adam and Eve to have absolute love... become true parents of humanity. Yet, due to their selfishness, they failed."
God toiled for thousands of years to send the savior, Messiah - Jesus Christ. However, what happened to Jesus? He was male, he needed to meet a woman. Marie in the family of Zachariah needed to help him marry. But they failed to help him. However, he couldn't create a true family as people rejected him. So, he was crucified but promised to return and hold the Holy Wedding of the Lamb.
Through the Atlantic civilization, Christianity expanded throughout the world. However, Christians did not understand the true providence of God. Thus, steps were made against the providence of God. The Atlantic civilization flourished centered on materialism. Today Western civilization is an offshoot of this Atlantic civilization.
Heaven has raised America to prepare to welcome the returning Messiah. For him, an Only Begotten Daughter had to be born. Heaven worked in Asia, choosing the Korean people, centered on the Christian foundation in 1943 the only begotten daughter was born. She needed a period of Growth. Heaven could not allow her to live in a dangerous area.
Heaven mobilized 16 nations to defend South Korea. In 1960 finally, True Parents appeared before humanity. However, the Christian realm could not embrace the True Parents. Christianity started declining. True Parents came to heal America. Many righteous young men came to follow True Parents. Authorities were scared of his growing power and decided to kick the Messiah out, sending him to prison. Meanwhile, serious problems were crippling this nation. Communism was endangering the world.
America had to be saved for the world to be Saved. True Father gathered famous academics and proclaimed the end of Communism. Five years later this happened. Family Federation was working throughout the world giving the blessing to more than 400 million couples, to establish God's Ideal. One world under God can be realized. That day is not far away.
You should unite as one and bring about the revolution centering on the Culture of Heart and expand the Blessed families throughout the world. The young people will be educated and become the light of the world. We must create that environment. True freedom, peace, equality, and happiness - a world of peace will dawn if you practice true love and live for the sake of others” …
“Unite with me and let us shine brightly in all dark places.”
‘Every Praise’ by
Hezekiah Walker was performed in honor of
the occasion.
#12- “Repent, for the
Kingdom of Heaven is at hand.”
The ‘calling’ for our
Unificationist and True Love movement, in this time and place, is to help catalyze or
initiate the transformation from ignorance, violence and hate to peace, love, and
happiness. There is a way for us to do that.
We need to seek out the fulfillment of our own destiny, by following the course that True Parents and Jesus led us into, which really starts with repentance.
Our repentance starts with hearing the 2-day, 7-day, 21-day, and 40-day completing the 70-day course of repentance to transform ourselves. We are in fact living a life of total repentance for 70-years at the least; even intergenerationally, which likely will be 7-10 generations.
Through that, we can learn to Forgive, Love and Unite on all levels. We will grow to have Absolute Faith, Absolute Obedience and Absolute love to True Parents. In denying ourselves and going down, becoming absolute zero we throw off the false desires of satanic thinking. We become aware and can go forth; shedding tears for man, sweat for earth and blood for Heaven, in the shoes of a servant; with the heart of a parent harboring no grudges, having no complaints. It is the greatest call to battle of history and it is the hardest. It is to absolutely offer oneself for total victory over evil; beginning with ourselves and building the true peace from that point onward and upward.
We need to seek out the fulfillment of our own destiny, by following the course that True Parents and Jesus led us into, which really starts with repentance.
Our repentance starts with hearing the 2-day, 7-day, 21-day, and 40-day completing the 70-day course of repentance to transform ourselves. We are in fact living a life of total repentance for 70-years at the least; even intergenerationally, which likely will be 7-10 generations.
Through that, we can learn to Forgive, Love and Unite on all levels. We will grow to have Absolute Faith, Absolute Obedience and Absolute love to True Parents. In denying ourselves and going down, becoming absolute zero we throw off the false desires of satanic thinking. We become aware and can go forth; shedding tears for man, sweat for earth and blood for Heaven, in the shoes of a servant; with the heart of a parent harboring no grudges, having no complaints. It is the greatest call to battle of history and it is the hardest. It is to absolutely offer oneself for total victory over evil; beginning with ourselves and building the true peace from that point onward and upward.
Many people feel that repentance
has failed to change their life; my feeling is it has been insufficiently
offered. Our movement is an East-West
Unification, unlike anything the world
has ever seen. Due to the fact that Jesus and Christianity had not been
experienced by most of the Japanese membership that came to help the providence
in America and in the west that Jesus had become of less and less importance;
it was hard to mobilize the Christian Spirit World. Christianity was severely
weakened and our own weakened experience with repentance was somehow not
developed through Reverend Moon’s plea for us to complete a 70-day course
comprised of 2-7-21-40 days set aside to reflect on ourselves. Reverend Ahn’s
workshop needed to be given in the ’70s…
and as for now, our whole life is, in fact, a life of repentance. Apostle Paul understood
this when he asked that he not be crucified right side up, but upside down.
to Christian tradition, Peter was crucified in Rome under
Emperor Nero Augustus Caesar. It is traditionally held that he was crucified
upside down at his own request since he
saw himself unworthy to be crucified in the same way as Jesus.”
for a little relevant music) 😊
for KING & COUNTRY – ‘Shoulders’
(Official Music Video) (5m:23s)
I look up to the mountains
Does my strength come from the mountains?
No, my strength comes from God
Who made heaven, and earth, and the mountains
Does my strength come from the mountains?
No, my strength comes from God
Who made heaven, and earth, and the mountains
When confusion's my companion
And despair holds me for ransom
I will feel no fear
I know that You are near
And despair holds me for ransom
I will feel no fear
I know that You are near
When I'm caught deep in the valley
With chaos for my company
I'll find my comfort here
‘Cause I know that You are near
With chaos for my company
I'll find my comfort here
‘Cause I know that You are near
My help comes from You
You're right here, pulling me through
You carry my weakness, my sickness, my brokenness all on Your shoulders
Your shoulders
My help comes from You
You are my rest, my rescue
I don't have to see to believe that You're lifting me up on Your shoulders
Your shoulders
You're right here, pulling me through
You carry my weakness, my sickness, my brokenness all on Your shoulders
Your shoulders
My help comes from You
You are my rest, my rescue
I don't have to see to believe that You're lifting me up on Your shoulders
Your shoulders
You mend what once was shattered
And You turn my tears to laughter
Your forgiveness is my fortress
Oh Your mercy is relentless
And You turn my tears to laughter
Your forgiveness is my fortress
Oh Your mercy is relentless
My help comes from You
You're right here, pulling me through
You carry my weakness, my sickness, my brokenness all on Your shoulders
Your shoulders
My help comes from You
You are my rest, my rescue
I don't have to see to believe that You're lifting me up on Your shoulders
Your shoulders
You're right here, pulling me through
You carry my weakness, my sickness, my brokenness all on Your shoulders
Your shoulders
My help comes from You
You are my rest, my rescue
I don't have to see to believe that You're lifting me up on Your shoulders
Your shoulders
My help is from You
Don't have to see it to believe it
My help is from you
Don't have to see it, ‘cause I know, ‘cause I know it's true
Don't have to see it to believe it
My help is from you
Don't have to see it, ‘cause I know, ‘cause I know it's true
My help is from You
Don't have to see it to believe it
My help is from you
Don't have to see it, ‘cause I know, ‘cause I know it's true
Don't have to see it to believe it
My help is from you
Don't have to see it, ‘cause I know, ‘cause I know it's true
My help comes from You
You're right here, pulling me through
You carry my weakness, my sickness, my brokenness all on Your shoulders
Your shoulders
My help comes from You
You are my rest, my rescue
I don't have to see to believe that You're lifting me up on Your shoulders
Your shoulders
You're right here, pulling me through
You carry my weakness, my sickness, my brokenness all on Your shoulders
Your shoulders
My help comes from You
You are my rest, my rescue
I don't have to see to believe that You're lifting me up on Your shoulders
Your shoulders
My help is from You
Don't have to see it to believe it
My help is from you
Don't have to see it, ‘cause I know, ‘cause I know it's true
Don't have to see it to believe it
My help is from you
Don't have to see it, ‘cause I know, ‘cause I know it's true
My help is from You
Don't have to see it to believe it
My help is from you
Don't have to see it, ‘cause I know, ‘cause I know it's true
Don't have to see it to believe it
My help is from you
Don't have to see it, ‘cause I know, ‘cause I know it's true
My help is from You
Don't have to see it to believe it
My help is from you
Don't have to see it, ‘cause I know, ‘cause I know it's true
Don't have to see it to believe it
My help is from you
Don't have to see it, ‘cause I know, ‘cause I know it's true
My help is from You
Don't have to see it to believe it
My help is from you
Don't have to see it, ‘cause I know, ‘cause I know it's true
Don't have to see it to believe it
My help is from you
Don't have to see it, ‘cause I know, ‘cause I know it's true
#13- Our ‘Attitude of
… our life of absolute faith,
absolute love, absolute obedience will build the rising tide that can wash away
the potential negative outcomes of the inevitable 3rd world war.
The collapse into massive
military conflict is on hold and can be offset even further by our gratitude,
belief, and devotion to True Parents.
Halfway through the 7-year period from 2012 to 2020 is now 2016 and we are called to amend ourselves and start afresh.
Repentance and gratitude are the
best methods of gaining God’s Love to restore ourselves and the world. They are
the methods we are given, as we show that ‘love is indeed the weapon of the
future’; that will heal all that is needed to be changed for the better.
*In addition:
I know love is the only thing that
matters, but this is a little interesting.
(This is a ‘cut and paste’ of quotes from different Biblical and
Numerological opinions on the meaning of numbers. I compiled them, to point, to
indicate to myself the great things that are coming in the next 7 years from
2018 IMHO; even amidst the great chaos, that is also happening in the ‘murky
grey waters’ of the last days and the first days.)
NUMBER 19: Why do some say it’s the number of secrets?
“The Ancients called this the ‘Number of Surrender’ as your life needs to link up with the Universal Life.”
“The number 19 is an endurance vibration. It brings everything into focus, winds up old accounts and starts off anew.”
“Not exactly an easy number, number 1 represents 'new beginnings' and number 9 represents 'endings'. When number 19s have the determination to erase past mistakes they then develop their true Spiritual character with unshakable faith and a philosophy that will sustain them”.
“A lover of traveling to unusual places, success and even fame is often seen with this number. Stubborn and independent, this energy excels anywhere they can show their leadership qualities.”
“Those born on the 19th will be sensitive (to the point of hypersensitivity), but may achieve fame in an unusual field.”
“In relation to the number 19, you are asked to use the courage, independence and leadership qualities of the 1 to create the humanitarian concepts and brotherly love of the 9 for all humanity in every endeavor that is on your life path. There has been an abuse of power in a past life, and this present life has brought you to this place to create balance for yourself and others in this experience.”
“Projects that were started lifetimes ago will be finished under this number. It is the winding up of old accounts both in past lives as well as in this present life. When this goal has been attained, there may be a feeling or urge to work with groups of people, pooling your energy with others, instead of working alone.”
The March 1st Movement of 1919 was begun by Yoon Gwan Soon. It lasted for 40 days. After that 40-day time period, the Lord of the Second Advent was conceived to become in nine months a male baby born without sin, the Messiah to be, was born on January 6th, 1920.
The number 19 is also considered to represent secrets; this great secret was made to protect this child from the world; under enemy control.
“Those born under the influence of the number 20 incarnate to be of service to souls who are ailing and in need of help. Such individuals bring spiritual upliftment and guidance and live the humanitarian ideals. The keyword is ‘Universal Service.”
“Twenty is twice ten and can, at times, mean a complete or perfect waiting period.”
Fact: Number 2020 is 100 years of True Father’s life; on Earth and in Heaven…1920-2020.
‘100 represents a fullness in time, to fulfill something”.
1 Corinthians 13:12 King
James Version (KJV)
“12, For now, we see through a glass, darkly; but then face to face: now I know in part; but then shall I know even as also I am known.”
“12, For now, we see through a glass, darkly; but then face to face: now I know in part; but then shall I know even as also I am known.”
The number 70 in Biblical Terms means ‘Judgement Accomplished’.
Korean War 1950-2020; no
Treaty of Peace in place.
1948-2018, = 70 years of Communist North Korean Control in a divided North and South Korea.
1949-2019 = 70 years of
Communist China’s Influence in the world. In the next 5 years, there will be a
slow disintegration and falling apart for this Communist- capitalist state. The
2022 Winter /Summer Olympics will likely play a large part in awakening China
from its failed Communist State.
1919-2019, =100 years since March 1st Movement.
1920-2020, = Birth of True Father.
1943- 2020 = 77 Years life of True Mother.
1948 Korea is established as a divided nation of north and south nations.
2012-2020 True Father’s first 7 years (Earthly time) in The Heavens, then:
“For the Lord himself shall descend from heaven with a shout, with the voice of the archangel, and with the trump of God: and the dead in Christ shall rise first: 17 Then we which are alive and remain shall be caught up together with them in the clouds, to meet the Lord in the air: and so shall we ever be with the Lord.” (1Thessalonians 4:16-17) Heaven and Earth resurrected to fulfil God’s will.
Clouds of course, meaning spiritual resurrection in
Joy, of those in the spirit world without physical bodies and those on earth in
physical bodies; not the often believed ‘fantasy’ of resurrected physical
“Number 2024 relates to number 8 (2+0+2+4=8) and Number 8.”
“Number 2024 relates to number 8 (2+0+2+4=8) and Number 8.”
2020-2024; a great turning point, a new substantial beginning with a Sovereign Nation of God, to lead the nations into the way of goodness.
Cheon Il Guk in 2024.
“ • The age of war will be replaced by the age of peace (Isaiah 2:4).
• The age of scarcity, by the age of plenty (Amos 9:13).
• The age of hatred, by the age of love (1 Corinthians 13:4-13).
• The age of sin and evil, by the age of obedience and good (Revelation 22:14-15).
• The age of futility and corruption, by the age of liberty, glory (Romans 8:20- 21).
• The age of tyrants, by the age of leaders who are servants (Matthew 20:25-26).“
“Acts 3:19 calls the coming age the “times of refreshing”! Who could deny that this world is in desperate need of refreshing? Many inspiring biblical passages describe this coming age of utopia.”
“100 in Hebrew terms is The Power of ‘The Messiah in You’ to accomplish a task. Speaks of the Glory that results from His Grace.”
In addition:
There is another 100-year period in the mix of things that has a significance.
Independence was finally enacted in 1922.. In fact there are many people right now, that see the full Unification of Ireland may soon happen as a result of the ‘Brexit’ development.
Korea in the East, Ireland in the West often persecuted by neighbouring countries and both having strong religious inclinations. It is an east-west parallel that is worth noting.
Needing more attention to understand not the co-incidence but the GOD-incidence.
There is another 100-year period in the mix of things that has a significance.
Independence was finally enacted in 1922.. In fact there are many people right now, that see the full Unification of Ireland may soon happen as a result of the ‘Brexit’ development.
Korea in the East, Ireland in the West often persecuted by neighbouring countries and both having strong religious inclinations. It is an east-west parallel that is worth noting.
Needing more attention to understand not the co-incidence but the GOD-incidence.
A United
Insights, into the unique religious inclination of the Irish people. The same things are said to be true of the Moon Clan DNA and traditions in Korea.
The people who first came to Ireland are the Celtic people. From where?
people came from Central Europe, the
region between western and Eastern Europe. It consists of nine countries:
Austria, Czech Republic, Germany, Hungary, Liechtenstein, Poland,
Slovakia, Slovenia, Switzerland.
More interestingly and
contrary to what many people believe, redheads did not originate in
Scandinavia, Scotland or Ireland, but in central Asia.
“The red colouring is
due to a mutation in the MC1R gene that fails to produce sun-protective,
skin-darkening eumelanin and instead causes pale skin, freckles and red hair.
As our distant ancestors migrated to settle the cool, gray climes of Northern
Europe, redheads had a signal advantage over their darker peers: Their pale
skin produced vitamin D more efficiently from the wan sunlight, strengthening
their bones and making women more likely to survive pregnancy and childbirth.”
The first area where the MC1R gene started is Central Asia.
Central Asia is Uzbekistan, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Turkmenistan
and Tajikistan below Russia.
Two % of the world’s population
is red head.
Where Do The Celts Come From?
(see online) AUSTRIA
Who are The Celts? (Their horsemanship and burial grounds
are unique to the European world they lived in.)
Are The Celts One of the 10 Lost Tribes of Israel?
Biblical grounds that Celts came from Israel.
When Scotland Was Jewish?
Identity of the Lost tribes of Israel.
Celtic Ireland was also, often
invaded by Vikings and they had the same gene. The Vikings lost their high
percentage of red hair as did the Central Asians. The Irish, Scotch and Welsh
did not, due to their being a more closed community and the red recessive gene
continued on in those more closed off, more isolated areas.
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